Showing posts with label Reasoning. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Reasoning. Show all posts





Questions on Blood Relationship are related to our day to day life. We are bound by our kith and kin through a chain of relationships. The examiner defines the simple relationships by using rather complicated set of definitions and expects from us to comprehend these definitions rather quickly. In order to solve these problems, analyse the given statements carefully and systematically. For examples : (i) My father's only child means I (Myself). (ii) Ritu's husband's father-in-law's only daughter means Ritu (Herself). Pay particular attention to the information given in the question itself without your personal biases and preconceived notions and assumptions coming to the fore. Questions on Blood Relationship can be solved by any of the following methods: (i) Deduction Method and (ii) Pictorial Method While attempting questions on Blood Relationship, first read all the pieces of information as quickly as possible and then point out the two persons between whom relationship is to be established. Finally, try to co-relate the given relationships. While concluding relationship between two persons be careful about the sexes of the persons involved. Majority of the students tend to define or derive relationship without caring for sex of the persons. Is it possible to define relationship between two persons without knowing their sex? Consider the following illustration: A is the child of P and Q. From this statement can we conclude that P is the father of A. No, it is not possible. Without knowing the sex of either P or Q, it is not possible to conclude that P is the father of A. What we can conclude from the above statement is that'P and Q are parents of A. Thus, we see that the knowledge about the sex of persons is necessary to conclude relationship between the two persons. Some Important Tips: (i) First of all choose the two persons, between whom relationship is to be established. ' (ii) Next, pin-point the intermediate relationship i.e.,...

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