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Showing posts with label discussion. Show all posts

Team discussion week 2

Individual summary of Team discussion week 2
HRM/531 Human Capital Management

Individual summary of Team discussion week 2

Team assignment for week two was to first discuss the week's goals with our team members.  Goals for week two was to explain how a job analysis is used to create a job description and explain features of a job description. A job analysis is an in-depth study of various collected information on specific tasks, important responsibilities, skills needed, essential competencies, performance and working environment for a job. With analyze you see the bigger picture in order to break down components in order to determine every aspect that must be examined and treated. The main function of a job analysis is to ultimately maximize the potential of employees. A job analysis is very useful when creating a job description that serves as a blueprint for defining roles and applicable duties. A job description is a written statement that describes the necessary skills and training required, time constraints, adequate remuneration for work, tasks and obligations with a position within the organization. Job descriptions help the employee understand their job by clarifying the aspects of performance.
When a job description is prepared, it can serve as a basis for hiring. A job description is a very useful tool to use in human resource Department employ because it allows the candidate to be measured based on the talent and experience to place the most qualified candidate in the position. Job descriptions for newly hired and complaints form helps identify any training that may be required. When it's time for a performance review helps a job description measuring performance of the employee. This in turn helps to create any improvement plans that may be required of the employee or with the process of advancement. When companies stop hiring, it is used as a ...

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