Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts
Showing posts with label homework. Show all posts

Holiday homework

Dear students, summer vacation is the time of year to have fun and excitement, to relax, to laze, to eat, to meet, to cheer and travel too. Summer break assignments are unwanted guests but what happens if they add to the fun and exciting and yet lead to learning? This is an assignment with the same goals and created with the same enthusiasm. "Happy homemaker"

1. Holiday means fun time. And all must have planned to enjoy the holidays in your own way. Indeed, by sharing our happiness, it becomes all the more increased. Prepare a project based on your experience to present your friends at school. You can use pictures, snaps, colors to make it more presentable. 2. Grammar: parts of speech enrichment holidays during your holiday which in turn will strengthen your grammatical base. Practice your grammar Plus: EX; Verb-65 .66 .69 .70 lisbona 7,72 75,76 5,853.77. Pronouns; 43.46,47 .51,5253,54,49 .48, 50.3. Select any writer or poet whose work inspires you to put on "our Learning ? s" section in your class. Writing about his life, work and his training in the form of a newspaper. Also mention the resource information is collected.

1. Note the temperature in your city for 10 consecutive days. a. make a table recording every day, and the difference between the maximum and minimum temperature of daily maximum and minimum temperature. b. describe the minimum and maximum of two separate multiple lines (one for maximum) and one for the smallest c. date/day mentions that recorded the highest and lowest temperature. 2. we have recently completed chapter of integers. We came across many interesting properties of integers. It's time to show some talent. If you look around and notice you will find that there are many games based on cubes and figures. You have to invent an interesting game where integers are involved. The following instruction can help youa. Please note game Ludo, scrabble, etc. ...

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