Showing posts with label unethical. Show all posts
Showing posts with label unethical. Show all posts

BP the unethical methods

1) Based on the history of the company, why BP to engage in so much dubious behavior?
The reason why BP got involved in so much dubious conduct is that first they don't want to spend money on fixing stuff. They have ignored all these red flags, and in the end they ended up spending a lot of money. They could of saved a lot of money if they had fixed the problem before the incident occurred.   The reason why they ended up having so much trouble is because they don't take care of their stakeholders. His major concern in those types of businesses should be the safety of its employees. We all know that these sites are not the safest place in the world, which is why BP has to keep its workers in a safe environment.

2) Analyze BP's efforts to improve sustainability. Do you think they are adequate, or the company need to do more?
At first I thought BP's have been sustainable. If you look at their history, they have gone up and down quite often end up which is not a good example of sustainable development. If they didn't have all these problems in the past that we could say that they are durable but with all the events that occurred in the last few years that it will be difficult to defend them on the page. Recently, they have invested much of their investments green wisely to improve its image. They have contributed a lot in the wind turbine, solar system and bio-fuels. Which is really good for the company, stakeholders, and for the world in General. More companies are beginning to go green wise, the less we will destroy our planet.

3) do you think BP code of business conduct and ethics initiatives will prevent future misconduct?
I think BP has tried a lot of things in recent years to show the good example. Maybe they have made a lot of mistakes in the ...

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