Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Beauty. Show all posts


Inner beauty versus outer beauty



Beauty is an important thing for women.   For the woman if they don't see the beauty of the public, will make they are not sure.   The definition of beauty people from epoch to epoch and region is different.
For example, in England (Queen Elizabeth 1 era), in this time is a beautiful woman who has pale skin.   And a model is Queen Elizabeth 1 itself.   In his time deputize Queen Elizabeth 1 standard of woman's beauty in England.   Usually people like pale skin because it involves high class or status.
China (Tang dynasty era until the Qing dynasty) is the woman beautiful if they have small feet size.   Chinese foot binding is the technology to make his foot becomes small.   To get the small foots, their foots will be bound and bent and also worn a pair of tiny shoes.   More smaller size of their foots, so it has them more beautiful.
In Myanmar (Padaung tribe) is the woman's beauty when they have a long neck.   Since the age of 5 will increase their necks fitted with a type of bracelet and Bangle along their age.   The amount of bracelets they carry will be a symbol of how rich the woman's family has.   But important is that it can be used to attract a good husband.
In Ethiopia (Surma tribe), under the strain of Surma in the hinterland of Ethiopia is the beautiful woman that has broad lips.   Before the poison berries all tribal women a kind of saucer of clay or wood called SIGARO on lips lower.
In Uganda (the trunk in the Hima), until now they still deleted from fat ...

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Report on Child Beauty Pageants - Free Essays, Term Papers and Research Papers Free Essays For All Students

Children bring joy and youth to those that watch them. Child beauty pageants are meant to bring out those qualities in children and hopefully promote positive thinking for the rest of their life. Though there are positive aspects to this idea, some feel that beauty pageants destroy a child’s view on what is considered true beauty.

Children can have such fantastic ideas, but their minds can be easily influenced. It is no wonder why so many girls are involved in pageants enjoying a few days a year as a princess. Keeping in mind children can’t enter pageant without their parents’ permission. Ultimately it is the parent’s choice rather than the child’s. There have been newspapers that emphasize this point. It is called the phenomenon “princess by proxy,” explaining that the real attraction of pageants is for parents who can gain social status, self-esteem, and money when their children participate.

Pageants are focused focus primarily on appearance, attire, and perceived “cuteness.” Only some pageants have talent competition and often are a secondary component. Beauty pageants is that it teaches young children that there is value in focusing on their appearance. This can lead to significant body-image distortions, and adults who once participated in child beauty pageants may experience low self-esteem and poor body image.

A positive aspect is that being involved in beauty pageant is a way for girls to meet and interact with other girls. These girls are likely to compete with each other if their parents take them to the same local competitions. Another positive aspect is that beauty pageants can give girls a lesson in competition. Through the contest, girls can learn that if they want to achieve something, they will have to work for it. Pageants take dedication and discipline. They will have to understand the importance of winning and losing graciously.

Child beauty pageants give children time with their parents. From dress shopping to choosing make up colours to...

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American Beauty Analisis Metaphorical

Rehan Billimoria

American Beauty: Reflection

A consistent metaphor throughout the film American Beauty is the feeling of imprisonment and trying to escape it. Lester Burnham is an average American male who lives in a suburban neighborhood with his wife Carolyn and their daughter Jane. Lester lives a mundane life; he goes to work everyday only to come home to his overly frustrating wife and his angry daughter. As the days begin to pass, Lester feels more and more trapped at work as well as at home. He cannot see change anytime in the near future, which only makes him feel more imprisoned in his own life. He feels as if he does not have any control of his own life and he does not know how to change it.
This metaphor of imprisonment can be seen in various scenes throughout the movie. As Lester sits at his desk at work, we can see his reflection in the computer monitor and how the numbers on the screen resemble the bars of a jail cell. While he is working in his cubicle, he feels like he is completely trapped as if he were really in a jail cell. Another scene in this movie where Lester resembles being trapped is while he is masturbating in the confines of his shower. The shower also looks similar to jail cell and he feels as though he is trapped in his own life.
No matter what Lester does, he is continually imprisoned in his own mind. Although it seems as if Lester feels liberated after taking a liking to his daughter’s friend, Angela, he is still trapped. He begins to take control of his life by working out and changing jobs, but his lust for Angela only makes him more of a prisoner. Although he fantasizes about her and may feel like she is attainable, he realizes at the end, that deep down, attaining her will only give him temporary relief from his imprisonment. Even if he were to conquer her, his wife, daughter, and neighbors would still surround him; leaving Lester to feel imprisoned all over again.
After Lester realizes this about Angela, he goes home...

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