The demasculation in America really started during WW2 when women were empowered to work and carry on life while many of Americas men were off at war. This lead women out of their homes and into the workplace. Once women came into the workplace that lead to the establishment of equal opportunity, which lead to the civil rights movement, which lead to the birth of Liberal America. With child abandonment and divorces on the rise it lead to the mutual feeling in America as nothing was our own responsibility anymore. Once the general public felt that they did not have to take responsibility for their own actions anymore, it led to the age of entitlement.
The age of enetitlement was put into affect with children that were born in the 1980’s by their parents that were raised during the turmaultuous civil rights time period and were the first of the generational downfall of America as a society. Since the parents of the 80’s felt it was okay the teach irresponsibility and actually applauded it in mainstream media as in Friveoulous Lawsuits that started to take hold of the judicial system in the 80’s. The children of the 1990’s and beyond were and continue to be raised that everyone is a winner, everyone is special in their own special way just like everyone else, and that mediocrocity was perfectly good enough.
No one takes responsibility for their actions anymore. Everyone wants to be equal without having to prove themselves. And everyone wants the easy life and to get paid for it but don’t want to work for it. The media talks about how there are no jobs in America and that the immigrants are the problem because the little jobs out there are taken by the illegals. That is not true there are plenty of jobs out there but only the illegals will do them because you have to actually work at them and do physical labor. There is plenty of jobs at garbage companies,...
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