Showing posts with label Imperialism. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Imperialism. Show all posts


In the 1800s’, Europe was a wealthy, powerful land. It was industrializing rapidly, and was able to conquer many other lands for their own use. European imperialism changed other countries. In India, imperialism led India to become a country with one of the biggest textile industries, the country was colonized, and negative changes being that the working conditions were very poor. This is different from China. When the Europeans tried to imperialize it, they refused. This led changes in military, wars, and trade issues.

The British conquered India in the 1800s’. Being racist, they thought they were much better then the Indians and they had a strong demand for more power. Brittan’s history was overpowering. They went from one of the poorest people, to the wealthiest. The industrialized first, and then began their quest to take over other lands. While imperializing in India, they took their new developed ideas and inventions with them, and India became a huge textile industry. India, being a poor country, had no defense. England’s idea was to colonize India, and use it as a main source for the textiles they needed to trade with other societies. Racism was a big problem. After all of England’s successes, they had a clear image in their minds that they were the best. They could control everyone. Because of this, they treated their newly conquered country very badly. Working conditions were harsh, wages were low and abuse began to take place. India did not go against imperialism and the British ruled over them. England was an extremely powerful country that had the idea that they could take over any land they wanted.

China, on the other hand, was different. They resisted imperialism. China was a strong nationalist country and was not going to accept the Europeans. The refusal led to stronger military forces because as a resisting country, they needed a way to keep the Europeans away. China had trade issues with the British. They had no intentions of having any...

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