February 9, 2012
Psychology of human sexuality
Sharon Blevins
University of Phoenix/Axia
The human body is sensitive to many forms of sexual stimulation. People practice on their own sensual satisfaction through masturbation. This type of enjoyment can begin as young as the first few weeks of a person's life.
Fetuses and newborns have many sexual behaviors. Ultrasound technicians have seen baby boys in utero with erections. Many boys are born with an erection.
Stimulation of the sex organs will begin as soon as the child can maneuver their hands down to their penis or vagina (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus &, 2008). Many newborn boys get erections and infant girls Show a lubricated vagina. This is not to mean that an infant has no interest in sex. No one knows exactly what is happening and what it means to children, probably not the same as an adult.
Some children have shown that they are able to experience orgasm. In newborn boys are there just as a grown man's minus the ejaculation.
Masturbation starts between the ages of 6-12 months. Babies often fulfills the sexual urges with a soft toy or blanket until they reach their genitals with their hands.
Approximately ages 2-5 children get curious about their bodies and the bodies of the other children and they show off their private parts and compare each others. Sometimes they kiss to show affection (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus &, 2005). At this age they also see people undress or people with bath or shower. Many of them will begin to move into their own home (Rathus, Nevid, Fichner-Rathus &, 2005).
Ages 6-9, many children now masturbate, sometimes alone, sometimes with others. Sexual type game played sometimes, physician or House, with a mother and a father, who kiss and stuff, which is kind of sexual. All this is quite normal under the ...
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