Showing posts with label Consultation. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Consultation. Show all posts

Corporate Style And Business Image Consultation Marketing Essay

Core Image is a closed corporation owned by Mareli du Toit. This company provides highly exclusive style consultation sessions in styling, makeup and hairstyling. The aim of our company is to revive women from clothing that do not fit properly to creating a new, fresh and elegant look that is put together to create an illusion of the perfect body shape. We are committed to provide South Africans with a creative and innovative service. The Fashion Box aims to become one of South Africa’s renowned image consultant agencies and not only improve the lifestyles of women but also companies.

As an image consultant, our business will provide clients, men as well as women, with the necessary information that will help them achieve a stylish and polished look which in time will provide them with the perfect job, soul mate or just increase their self esteem. The company will provide them with the right wardrobe style for the image they want to project, closet essentials and even go on shopping expeditions. Working with other stylists such as makeup and hair, we will provide the correct colour consultation and instructions for a well defined and confidant look.

The company will also introduce a book, a user friendly style guide which touches on body shapes, underwear, wardrobe planning, trends and tips and accessorizing. This book is the main focus of our company as we provide information to those not able to afford an image consultant, but have all the information that we provide to clients.

The company does not only focus on individuals but on companies as a whole as well. We will work with corporate clients recommending new employee uniform styles, image as a whole per individual and provide courses in multicultural etiquette or body – language basics for better sales and customer relations.

As each person is individual and has different body measurements, taste and budgets we will examine the client thoroughly and keep his/ her consultation personal and maintainable.

The Core Image Consultants will be run as a close corporation where a few people will own the voting stock and interest in the company. The personnel will consist of a qualified fashion stylist, hair stylist, make up stylist and will work part time with an etiquette and body language coach all who have worked in the industry before and has an extensive knowledge of image and how to keep it maintainable, affordable, stylish and individual.

Our company reason for success is the following:

We reach out to all women and men, regardless of their social or work status.

We are committed to provide an affordable service, to create stylish individuals

We are one few companies that provides a personal service to communicate directly with the client.

We are the only that provides a step by step guide that is unique, timeless, ageless and affordable.

Globally textile and clothing trade grew by 10.6% to US$583bn in 2007, while textile exports from Asia to Africa increased by 18% and from Asia to Europe rose by 16%. The world’s biggest textile exporter in 2007 was the EU27, followed by China, Hong Kong, the USA, South Korea, Taiwan, India, Turkey, Pakistan and Japan. The EU27 was also the biggest textile importer, followed by the USA—although China ranked as high as third, followed by Hong Kong, Japan, Turkey, Mexico, Vietnam, Canada and Russia.

In clothing, China was the world’s leading exporter for the second year running, followed by the EU27, Hong Kong, Turkey, Bangladesh, India, Vietnam, Indonesia, Mexico and the USA. As for clothing imports, 46% of the world total went to EU countries in 2007, while the USA took 24% and Japan took 7%. The countries which followed in importance had only small shares and included Hong Kong, Russia, Canada, Switzerland, the United Arab Emirates, South Korea and Australia [2].

It is estimated that the South African apparel and textile sector is the sixth largest manufacturing sector employer and eleventh largest exporter of manufactured goods. A total of 230,000 people are estimated to directly be employed in the industry with a further 200,000 employed in dependent industries [3].

In 1939 the clothing industry consisted of 268 factories employing about 19000 workers and by 1959 there were 560 factories employing 49000 workers with 844 firms registered in 1960[4]. This equates to roughly 3770 jobs per year since 1960.

Much of the debate relating to formulating a policy future and past to "rescue" the South African apparel sector has been thwarted with political motivation and interest groups pushing their own agenda and a lack of trust between various sub-sectors within the apparel sector. For an industry sector that contributes an estimated 11% of all manufacturing employment and as part of the manufacturing sector which contributed 16.2% of annual GDP [5] the delay in finding a cohesive policy and the infighting is inexcusable.

The Main services will be:

Style consultation

Personal Shopping

Wardrobe Weeding

Ladies Group Consultation

Corporate Style and Business Image Consultation

Hair and Makeup consultation

Our Style Guide will provide in depth information that allows the reader to achieve a stylish image on their own.

The services that Core Image Consultants will provide is a wide range of consultation services that provides information on the basics of dressing for both ladies and gentleman, as well as guidelines for corporate interaction that will improve the relationship and trust between the clients and the organisation. It ranges from individual coaching session’s right through to a company staff presentation.

The Main services will be:

It is imperative to dress according to your body and have confidence no matter the occasion, size and shape. This service will educate the client in their body type and its characteristics. It will also leave one with a clear insight as to the clothing, dresses, trousers, etc should be purchased that will flatter the specific body type and create and illusion to a hourglass body which is to be said the perfect body shape, thus reducing frustration when clothing don’t fit correct in shops. Our client will also receive a consultation by our makeup and hair stylists according to their face shape and colour combination.

This service will be divided in two categories. The one presentation will cover the importance of appearance and style within a corporate environment. It will cover how small changes in personal style can impact a client’s success. The other will concentrate more on individual personal style.

The expected time span of this service will take place in one week with consultations of 45 minutes daily and costs an estimated price of R 7 280 per person.

We realise that for our cliental shopping can be time consuming and place additional stress on already stressed lifestyles. Prior to a meeting, we will discuss exactly what the specific client’s needs are, be it revamping a wardrobe or selecting an outfit for a special occasion. With the information received the proper clothes will be sourced to meet the client’s requirements. Clothing will be bought according to the client’s budget and tips will be offered in terms of body shape and styles.

The time span of this service is approximately 3hours and costs and estimated price of R 1 976.

Many women find that they have nothing interesting, new or fresh to wear in their closet. With the wardrobe weeding service we will identify the 10 key pieces and get rid of the wardrobe full of old and outdated clothes and create a wardrobe that is ideal and personalized for the client. Together with the client we will weed the wardrobe and I will help co-ordinate the clients outfits and accessories to create new looks. Style tips will also be given for future shopping trips.

This consultation aims to leave you with a clutter free, coordinated and a wearable collection in your wardrobe. This duration of this service is approximately 5 hours and cost R 4 290.

This service is perfect for a girl’s night or bachelorette party, a style consultation with your friends in the comfort of your home. Initially it will start by dividing the women into their body shape groups where the 6 different groups will be educated on how to dress according to their body shape. A file will be handed to each individual that contains all the essential information on their specific shape.

A make up lesson will also be presented to the group as a whole by our makeup stylist, individual hair consultation by our hair stylist and a short course in etiquette by our part time etiquette coach.

This service will cost R435.50 per person in a group of minimum 20 ladies and 5 hours long.

This service provides business leaders, company individuals and other staff, both ladies and gentlemen with the essential style foundation in a corporate environment. The service includes individual body shape analysis, what clothes suits the body shape and taking relation to the business world proper and powerful clothing, from meetings to casual days to suite the company’s image. They will also receive a brief course on makeup and hair tips.The employee will have individual sessions with the stylist, makeup artist and hairstylist as well as group sessions with the etiquette coach.

This service will cost R 1 202.50 per employee.

A short consultation of 2 hours will be provided to supply a client with the correct hair and makeup according to their colour and face shape. Hair will be cut and coloured and a small basic makeup kit is provided with this service.

The service will cost R1 300.

The company has only one sole product which is a thorough style guide on body shapes, underwear, key wardrobe pieces, trends and tips and accessories.

This guide will be available for clients that cannot afford our services but still feel the need for information on how to dress correctly. The product will be available in specific bookstores and will be an amount of R386.

The typical customer that will make use of the style consultation, personal shopping and wardrobe weeding services, is a woman in her early thirties to the age of sixty; she lives in the Gauteng area and she is a successful professional with a relatively high income. She is considered to be a classy person and well educated. She is quite a busy person that doesn’t always have the time or patience to think about clothes, style or shopping, she wants to be up to date with latest trends and styles without having to take important time out of her schedule to do so.

Customers for the ladies group consultation and hair and makeup consultations will range from young females in their late twenty’s to older females at the age of sixty. They live in Gauteng and have an average income level. They are classy and educated. These women are looking for professional advice but not in depth as they have a brief knowledge about style and trends. They will make use of our service for special events such as bachelorette parties or girls night as they do not want to spend too much money on these services.

The typical client for the corporate style is big or small companies in the everyday industries such as accounting, personal relations, human recourses etc, who work with clients and have to keep a professional image to keep a promising cliental, these companies will spend money on our service to be ahead of competition as they provide a professional image and work ethic.

Companies that compete in this market are Chata Romano who is situated country wide, the Image room in Faerie Glen Pretoria and CImage in Equestria Pretoria.

These companies compete all on the same level as we offer the same services. Indirect competition like fashion magazines, internet may also be a problem as potential customers may believe that they can consult themselves.

Not only provides a service but has other products

Wide variety customers can get confused

Offers complete makeover

Only one service


Small variety

Guaranteed prices


Cheap prices

Cheap prices may scare off potential customer

Reasonable Prices

Not full services

World renowned

Has a lot of consultants underneath whom can affect reputation

Good quality service

Clients become friends

Good quality service

Not really known


Different treatment by different consultants

Pretoria faerie glen business area

Not very easily accessible

Pretoria equestria is a rich neighbourhood

May scare off average clients

Very professional

May look uptight


May scare more proper clients


Not really impressible

Our company will look at the above mentioned strengths and try to incorporate as many as possible into our system. To compete with these competitors it is quite essential to keep up with their level of professionalism. We will also pry on their weaknesses, analyze make them better and incorporate them into our strengths. Things like having a lot of consultants and other products as appose to just consulting as Chata Romano is definitely a strong disadvantage to our company but will be corrected in the long term of the fashion Box.

Our competitive advantage is thus that although there are other companies supplying the same service, we have an advantage as these operations are run in specific areas where our company drives to the client.

Kry ‘n paar verskillende pricing techniques en verduidelik kies ene

Our company would use a Sequential skimming price technique. Price skimming is a price strategy in which we set a relatively high price for a product or service at first and then lower the price over time. We target the richer customers first as it is an exclusive and quite expensive service and then lower our price for the average woman so everyone can afford our services. It allows the firm to recover its sunk cost quickly before competition steps in and lowers the market price.

While a formula is provided for each individual service, a thirty percent mark up fee will be charged on all products and services. Twenty five percent of this thirty percent is send to the business bank account in order to pay extra monthly expenses and store capital to ensure that the business expands.

The owner gets fifty percent of the salaries whereas the hair stylist and makeup artist share both a twenty five percent income and only receives this when their service was provided, almost a commission like basis.

The formulas to obtain the prices of different services that were provided that was used were as follows:

[Material such as printing of papers, files etc (a) + Clothing examples (b) + Make up (c) + Hair products (d) + Electricity for hair services (e)] x [4 salaries of stylists] + (30% markup)= estimated price of service (x)

[Materials such as printing of papers, files etc (a) + Petrol used when buying clothes at different stores (e)] + [(R400 cost per hour x hour minimum 3 hours (f)] + (30% markup) = estimated price (x)

[Petrol used when buying clothes at different stores (e)] + [(R600 cost per hour x hour minimum 5hours (f)] + (30% markup) = estimated price (x)

[Material such as printing of papers, files etc (a) + Clothing examples (b) + Make up (c) + Hair products (d)] + [(R800 cost per hour x hour minimum 5hours (f)] + (30% markup) ÷ (Number of women in group(g) minimum of 20 ) = estimated price (x)

[Material such as printing of papers, files etc (a) + Clothing examples (b) + Make up (c) + Hair products (d)] + [(R1500 cost per day) x (days (h) minimum of 10) + (30% markup) ÷ (Number of employees (i) minimum of 20) = estimated price (x)

[Make up (c) + Hair products (d)] + [(R150 cost per hour x hour minimum 2hours (f)] + (30% markup) = estimated price (x)

The formula to obtain the price of the product that is provided that was used was as follows:

[Photo shoot cost (k) + illustration cost (l) + printing and binding books (m) + (100% mark up ) ÷ Books minimum of 200 copies (n)

( a + b + c + d + e ) x 4 +30% = x

50 +500 + 500 + 200 + 150 x 4 + 30%

R 7 280

(a + e) + (400 x f) + 30% = x

20 + 300 + (400 x 3) + 30%

R1 976

e + (500xf ) +30% = x

300 + (600 x 5) + 30%

R4 290

(a+b+c+d) + (800 x f) +30%


(200+500+ 1000+1000) + (800 x 5) + 30%


R435.50p/p minimum 20 people

(a+b+c+d+e)+(2000xh) + 30%


(200+ 1500 + 1500 + 300) + (1500 x 10) + 30%


R1 202.50/p minimum 20 employees

(c + d) + (150 x f) + 30% = x

(500+200) + (150x2) + 30%

R1 300

(k + l + m) + 100%


(6000 + 3000+ 20 000) + 100%


R 386

As we are a new company advertising will be limited to posters, brochures etc. In the beginning we will also rely on word of mouth and sponsorships. We also have cars branded with stickers that provide the customer with a label, number and website address. The image that we want to portray to the customers is a trendy one, where the customer can feel that he or she will find personal style through our consultations. Events will also be organised to attract sponsors and clients.

In the beginning we will not rely heavily on broadcasting media, such as television as we don’t have the funds for this.

We will make use of radio advertising only as medium to long term channel. Initially it will only be used to advertise and promote events hosted by our company as a means to create awareness and initiate dialogue amongst our target market.

We will make great use of this specific media as it is not too expensive and easy to reach customers.

Brochures will be made available at high class boutiques and delivered to companies in our target market.

Branded vehicles will be driven by our employees. Also to create awareness on the road or where ever they go.

Posters will be placed in restrooms in shopping malls and restaurants.

Billboards will not be used as these are expensive and will not attract efficient clients.

Advertisements in fashion magazines can be used but only be employed once the business has achieved market segment.

The company will launch a website which will contain all the necessary information on services, prices etc. As well as contact information and also have a service were users can register and receive information by email on specials, prices and other information on the company.

We will advertise on already based websites such as, and register with the SA professional image consultants association.

Social networking sites such as face book also play an integral role it will be in the company’s best interest to establish a strong online presence on these sites.

Flyers (10 000 A6 full colour)

R 1040.00

Business Cards (500 Full Colour)


Banners (Premium Banner quality white PVC.)

R24.40 x 20

Vehicle Branding

R4 500.00 x 2

Posters(Photo High Gloss, 235gsm )

R18.00 x 100

Website hosting

R49 x 12months

R 13 211.00

See appendix for quotation

Flyers (10 000 A6 full colour)

R 1040.00

Business Cards (500 Full Colour)


Banners (Premium Banner quality white PVC.)

R24.40 x 20

Posters(Photo High Gloss, 235gsm )

R18.00 x 100

Website hosting

R49 x 12months

Flyers (10 000 A6 full colour)

R 1040.00

Business Cards (500 Full Colour)


Radio Advertisement

R15 0000

Magazine Advertisement

R 7000

R26 211.00


Exclusive service

Status to Clients

Personalized and customized service


Young inexperienced company

Competitive environment

Difficult to establish client base


Individuals in corporate clients can become individual clients

A Training program can attract more stylists


How to develop loyal clients

How to Stress intangible cues

In our market research we asked 20 females between the ages of 20 – 60 to answer a questionnaire on our company the services it offers and interest in these services.

Majority of the female respondents went shopping once every two months and their motive for buying clothes ranged equally from special occasions, wardrobe malfunction and season changes. The majority of the respondents’ influence when buying clothes were wears ability and mentioned that they budget when buying clothes and disliked the fact that clothing are expensive.

Majority of respondents were influenced by friends when choosing styles and believed themselves to be fashionable, stylish and individual in style.

Most of the respondents believed to know their correct body shape and bra size.

They felt that they need advice in clothing selection and putting together a wardrobe

The majority said that they would like the knowledge of shopping like a stylist and the majority of the respondents were interested in a fashion guide that helps to improve image and style.

Our company targets the middle-aged, busy executive female. These individuals often have extremely busy schedules, including a great deal of travel time. In addition, they possess a large proportion of disposable income that allows them to afford custom services. Our service will allow them more concentration on work, while allowing them to obtain great apparel for that specific occasion. In the first few months the business will not be very successful as it is a new company, only from the third month of the starting period business will pick up and sales will increase.

The goal of Core Image Consultants is to become a well known company and provide a quality service for both males and females and growing in terms of stylists and location.


Style Consultation

R 5 600

R 268 800


Personal Shopping

R1 520

R 54 720


Wardrobe weeding

R3 300

R 66 000


Ladies Group Consultation

R335p/p minimum 20 people

R 40 200


Corporate Business Consultation

R 935p/p minimum 20 employees

R 37 400


Hair and Makeup Consultation

R1 000

R 78 000


Style guide

R 386

R 193 000

R 738 120

-R 386 531

-R 288 000

R 63 589

R 5 299

For detailed sale estimates of the business please refer to Table 14 on page 47.


Core Image Consultants will be run by a close corporation where a few people own the voting stock and interest in the company.

The advantages of a close corporation includes, voting stock is in the control of a limited number of shareholders, the process of managing the overall operation is often much more simplistic.

Another benefit of private companies is that it is often easier to come to consensus on issues that are facing the corporation. Since the control of the closed corporation is in the hands of a select few people, it is much easier to dialogue on how to best position the company for future performance. Often, a great deal of casual discussion can take place among the shareholders before any formal action is taken. The result is formal business meetings that can be conducted with a minimum of fuss and without taking a great deal of time to plan and execute a course of action.

Core Image Consultants will start off as a small business and will be located in a small office space near Centurion Shopping centre for the reason being that Centurion is situated near a corporate environment in a higher class neighbourhood and a well known area for easy access for clients.

Core Image Consultants will only rent a small space to cut on costs and expenses for the reason being in the beginning Core Image Consultants will make little profit and therefore cannot cover costly expenses. Starting small will ensure less risk of failure and debt.

In the beginning the company will consist of a stylist, who is also the owner, a hair stylist, makeup artist and freelance etiquette coach. The number of our stylists will increase in the third year of our business when all loans are settled and the company has grown.

Core Image Consultants long term goal is to become one of South Africa’s renowned image consultant agencies and not only improve the lifestyles of individuals but also companies as a whole.

Core Image Consultants should register as a close corporation for legal entity at the Companies and Intellectual Property Registration Office.

Core Image Consultants needs insurance to cover the premises for risks such as fire damage, theft etc. We will also acquire car insurance as transport plays a great roll in the business. The table below suggests an estimated sum needed for insurance.



Core Image consultants will run from a small office space situated near Centurion shopping centre. This is to ensure easy access to the premises for clients, the premises is surrounded by a corporate environment with cliental with a higher level of income and potential clients.

The space is 60sqm and consists of three rooms, one for each stylist. The three rooms will be big enough for each stylist to provide their unique service in. The rent per month will be R 4 780. It provides all three services on location so that the client can be treated at the same place without any trouble. Safe parking is provided behind a security gate.


Stylist Room


Hair Stylists


Makeup Artist


Core Image Consultants will be situated in Centurion Clubview, this suburb is close to the shopping centre and surrounded by corporate companies. This is very important since the biggest service we provide is aimed at these specific companies. The premises are also easily accessible for clients outside the corporate environment. Since the business is located nearby the mall shopping trips will not require too much time and cost on petrol will be cut.

Our product will be sold in local bookstores and only a few copies will be kept on site. The publishers will mostly handle this process. Books are printed and bind at a printing company and then couriered to numerous destinations.

The process of the development of the guide underwent as follow:

Information was gathered on all subjects touched. It was sourced from other stylists, books, internet and the knowledge of our stylists.

The information was analyzed minimized and edited.

Photos were needed to support information to provide an easy readable guide.

These photos required a model, clothing and hair and makeup which were done by your own stylists.

Illustrations needed to be done by graphic designers and the layout of the guide was settled with these graphic designers.

The guide was sent to the printers where they were printed and bound.

The guides were sent to bookstores and a few copies was kept on location.

The service that we provide is mostly based on the knowledge of our stylists. Seminars and consultations will be held weekly depending on customer interest appointments will differ in beginning.

When costumers come for consultation and wardrobe weeding, old clothes would be given away to charity organizations such as hospice etc.

The table suggests a monthly schedule for Core Image Consultants.

08:30- 16:30

Styling Consultations

08:30- 16:30

Styling Consultations

08:30- 16:30

Corporate Consultations

Styling Consultations

08:30- 16:30

Styling Consultations

Personal shopping

08:30- 16:30

Ladies Group Consultations

Styling Consultations

08:30- 13:00

Hair and Makeup consultations

Wardrobe weeding consultations

The style guide will be distributed to cities where female consumers care about their image and style. The Style guide will be produced country wide in as many bookstores as possible. Our service will only be distributed from travelling and later expand to more locations.

For our guide a publisher will be required to sell and overlook the process as well as supplying financial aid.

Core Image Consultants will have a no credit policy, the reason being; Core Image Consultants is a small business and has lack of capital it will be beneficial for the risk of financial failure. Core Image Consultants will only accept cash.

Equipment such as mirrors, make up, colour swatches, fashion books and magazines, computers, computer software that gives the client a virtual beauty makeover before actual hair cutting. Makeup and Hair stylist will need all their equipment such as scissors, brushes, but all these usually are given when you study these courses.


R 1200

Fashion Books







R 5000

Computer software


Makeup brushes


Hair equipment


R20 400

R 4 200

Core Image’s main goal is to become a premium quality service and will try to attain this status. By ensuring to keep up with trends on runways and stores, keep building knowledge of industry such as reading other stylists books to ensure up to date familiarity, ensuring all employees are qualified and highly recommended by institutions or organizations we will achieve such quality.

Control checks will be done on stylists on a regular basis, such as hygiene, appearance etc. Feedback will also be asked from clients on specific stylists.

Core Image Consultants will register with the SA professional image consultants association, which is a website, was acquired in 2004 by 1st Solutions Executive Image Consultants. After recognising the possibilities and future of Image Consulting in South Africa, it became apparent that the need for such an association had arisen and it has become vital to the wellbeing of the profession.

Core Image Consultants will make use of cell phones, land lines and internet. Clients will be able to reach the company through these forms of communication.

Core Image Consultants will be open from 9 till 5 weekly and on Saturday mornings for those who won’t be able to leave work. Special arrangements can also be made for things as ladies night, weddings etc.

The business will open in a year’s time, to perfect all products, services and employees.

A diagram showing the positions needed to run Core Image Consultants. During the first two years, the owner and stylist will employ only two other employees, makeup artist and hair stylist and use a freelance etiquette coach for certain services. When the two year period is over, or the business is successful and needs to expand, Core Image Consultants will increase the number of stylists.

Fashion Stylist

The owner has a degree in Fashion design. The responsibilities of the stylist includes:

Keeping up to date on fashion trends and styles.

Providing accurate information for clients on clothing and their body type

When shopping for clients , have access to discount at certain stores and maintain personal relationships with mentioned stores. Also the stylist needs an accurate understanding on what a specific client wants and the ability to provide the correct clothing.

The stylist needs to know what the essential pieces in a wardrobe are and when providing the wardrobe weeding service have the ability to make the client understand why clothes were thrown out and not be offensive.

The stylist should be able to communicate with a large group of women during the Ladies group consultation and corporate style and business consultation.

It is also the stylist’s job to ensure the business runs smoothly.

Hair Stylist

The hairstylist will need to have education and experience on the subject and also own equipment. The responsibilities of the hairstylist includes the following:

To obtain knowledge on current hairstyles and face shapes and hair styles.

Knowledge on taking care of hair.

The ability to explain this knowledge to others.

Makeup Artist

The makeup will need to have education and experience on the subject and also own equipment. The responsibilities of the makeup artist includes the following:

To obtain knowledge on current make up styles and face tones, skin problems etc.

Knowledge on taking care of the face and makeup.

The ability to explain this knowledge to others.

Etiquette coach

The etiquette coach will need to have education and experience on the subject. The responsibilities of the etiquette coachincludes the following:

Knowledge on etiquette

The ability to explain this knowledge to others.

Business term loan

Business term loans are a relatively simple way of securing funds for any period up to eight years that is repayable in equal monthly instalments.


Your Business term loan may be used for the following:

Purchase of fixed assets, for example, property equipment.

Refurbishments and alterations.

Acquiring a new business.

The loan period is not fixed but is determined by your monthly repayments, which include interest and capital.

The minimum loan amount is R50 000 and there is no maximum, depending on what you can afford.

Additional funds deposited over and above your monthly agreed repayments will be available for withdrawal subject to a minimum of R10 000 and multiples of R1 000.

The account can be linked to electronic channels.

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