Showing posts with label Ideas. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Ideas. Show all posts

Creative Ideas

The Game Changer in the process of emerging a thought leader

Creative Ideas –
The Game Changer in the process of emerging a thought leader

"All achievements, all earned riches, have their beginning in an idea." - Napoleon Hill Mahindra Group is a pool of treasure (Creative Ideas can be termed as treasure in the current corporate scenario) but the digging has to be done to unveil it. Creative thinking is an innate ability in each of us. If you have a brain that functions fairly well you can dream up new ideas. It’s that simple. Three steps for digging the treasure: ? ? ? Help the Associates to understand that they are creative Make the associates to contribute Ideas Implement the ideas

Help the Associates to understand that they are creative
"Nearly every man who develops an idea works it up to the point where it looks impossible, and then he gets discouraged. That's not the place to become discouraged." - Thomas Edison There are quite a few people in the world today who believe that they’re not creative, that they simply cannot think creatively, and that no matter what they do they’ll forever be a straightshooting analytical thinker. You might be one of those people. It’s just not true to believe that anyone can’t be creative. Consider the child who plays with a toy where they have to fit small, cylindrical shapes into holes in a box. The holes are cut in a way that they will only allow one (or two, if you’re really creative) of the shapes into each. One is shaped as a circle, another a square, another a star, and so on. If you leave the child alone to play with the toy, eventually she’ll figure out how to get the right pieces into the right holes, without any intervention from a more-knowledgeable adult. That’s creativity in action: finding an idea or solution that works by experimenting and playing. And yet, there are still so many people who believe they just can’t do it. When...

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