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Showing posts with label assign. Show all posts

Antz assign

1. Leadership as a process, is the use of some coercive influence to shape the Group's or organization's goals, motivate behavior towards the achievement of these objectives, and help to define the group, or organizational culture. as a property, the set of properties that are attributed to individuals who are perceived to be leaders.

2. General the mandible is not a leader because he does not justify the ants to achieve the goal, if not the colony's goal was for all the ants to drown and die. He leaves all the ants to drowning at the end of the movie. Leaders stick with the team all the way and not try to kill his own team.

3. Zee is leading because he doesn't get scared just crises. At the end of the film when all the ants are about to drown, he motivates them all to build a ladder to the top, and his plan ends up saving all the ants. He is able to use nonaggressive force to justify the ants.

4. quote "Individualism makes us vulnerable ' applies ants where an ant alone is weak and small and can not do much, but all the ants together can do something. It takes all the ants to do the steps at the end of the film to save them from drowning, it is important to their survival that they stick together. This mostly concerns everywhere, to be in a team is better than being alone.

5. position of power is the physical position in the room for a business meeting, which probably has the most power. The leader in this position where he can see all entrances to the room and no activity going on behind him. Three types of position power: legitimate Power-Power is granted through the organizational hierarchy; It is the power that is defined by the organization that is to be granted persons occupying particular positions. Reward power-the power to grant or withhold rewards, pay increases, bonuses, promotions, praise, recognition and interesting job assignments. Enforcement powers-power to force compliance with the help of psychological, emotional, or ...

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