Showing posts with label status. Show all posts
Showing posts with label status. Show all posts

Health status

3 environmental health hazards that cause illness and/or disaster within your community or any other community within South Africa and globally:

1. Global Warming-Rapid global warming due to climate change poses a serious threat to economic growth and development in southern Africa. It will exacerbate poverty and current inequalities in the region, but it can also serve as an opportunity to address these issues. The specific effects of climate change on various sectors including: food safety, already a humanitarian crisis in the region, will be further exacerbated by climate variability and climate change. Irregular rainfall increases already food shortages where drought damage and destroy maize crops in southern Africa. Climate change will cause additional pressure on the already unreliable sources of water and health, will be particularly affected the outcome.
2. air pollution has direct and potentially dangerous effects on human health. Air pollution includes two types: emissions and particle emissions. Non-hazardous, but unwanted air pollution contains odors from some manufacturers and fast food restaurants, etc.
3. noise can have a significant impact on both people's health and quality of life for residents in a community. Such pollution is most often associated with airports, highway and interstate traffic, large industrial plants and high traffic volumes, truck and car on city streets.


To overcome AIDS and HIV:

* Nutrition

The most important aspect of living with HIV is nutrition. It's pointless to even take your medicine unless you are feeding well.

Except in special circumstances, there is no special diet for most people living with HIV. The only important thing is that the ...