Appeal to sense of justice is a persuasive technique, which is used in this article. It is located under the sub-heading A U.S Problem Too, Dorigny writes, ‘In 1983 a federal law was passed that set child-labor guidelines, limiting work hours for kids and requiring safe conditions.’ By using this persuasive technique it enables readers to play on the belief that we all have the right to be treated fairly and that the readers of this article should strive for just outcomes in the end. The writer also appeals to fear and insecurity of close to 1 million kids in the U.S work for farmers from sunup till sundown, who harvest and haul and work near dangerous machinery or in other hazardous conditions. This suggests that the children’s safety; security and freedom are very well at risk. The technique persuades and pressures the articles readers to feel that solutions are needed urgently so they should agree with the proposals. Also persuades the readers to believe that the writer has their best interests at heart by wanting to protect them.
Using an anecdote finishes off the article. She uses Aghan’s short story to make readers feel sympathetic and receptive to the point to respond emotionally. As the child talks about being kidnapped from home and being sold to a carpet maker, she’s expecting her readers to take notice and accept information...
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