Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Religious. Show all posts

Religious View

Like most that grew up in Giles County, my parents had me in church each Sunday.   Starting at a very young age, I was in Sunday school, cantatas, and puppet ministries to support the church.   My family is Baptist, “back row Baptist”, as my dad likes to call us.   That term doesn’t necessarily carry a positive connotation, but we really did try our best to be supportive in spite of our hectic schedules.   Some Christian families push their children to only listen to Christian music, go strictly by the bible, and never ever stray from the word of God.   My parents urged my brother and I to follow the bible’s teaching and always do our best to be the best person we possibly could.

Since I entered my teen years, I think my beliefs haven’t really changed much, but they have morphed into the complete idea I need to shape my life. Baptist perspective reminds us that the Bible is the ultimate guide to shaping one’s life.   Personally, I don’t take it that seriously; I fully acknowledge the Bible as a guideline, but I keep it at that, a guideline. I think the book was mainly supposed to be used for us as followers to take away lessons instead of being taken so literally.   My question of faith has been tested again and again throughout my young adulthood; all being rooted with the church contradicting itself in the teachings of priests varying from passages in the Bible.   I’ve always been told that “accepting Jesus as your personal savior” was the key to being saved, and therefore going to heaven. The other vital piece to becoming saved is baptism; which has been made to seem like an option in most churches.   In several passages in the Bible you can clearly make the distinction that both baptism and spiritual acceptance go hand in hand to ensure salvation.   Peter tells the people in Acts 2:38 to:
“Repent and be baptized every one of you in the name of Jesus Christ for the remission of sins”
He then continues the passage in Acts 2:40:
“And with many other words did he

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Explain How the Understanding of Peace Is Expressed Through the Sacred Texts in 2 Religious Traditions

Explain how the understanding of peace is expressed through the sacred texts in 2 religious traditions

There is more to peace than the absence of conflict. It also includes a sense of tranquillity, a sense of inner peace and wellbeing and harmonious relationships. Peace is internal, external and different people encounter different aspects of peace. Religious teachings from the religions of the world have played a huge role in finding ways to achieve peace. An example of this is the principle teachings of Islam and Christianity. By looking into their sacred texts and teachings on peace, we can gain a valuable insight into how these religions explain peace.
The teaching of peace is central to Christianity. They use the sacred text of the bible, mostly the New Testament with emphasis on the Gospels as the source for teachings on peace. The New Testament states peace as a virtue and identifies it as a key element of God. Christians use Jesus’ example to illustrate the ideal model for peace in their lives. This model allows for adherents to understand the peace of God through the gift of the Holy Spirit and peace in relationships whereby Christians are expected to work in harmony with others in order to achieve peace As well as this the teaching on war and peace “love your neighbour as yourself.”(Matthew) and the teaching on peace and justice are both exemplified by Pope John XXIII’s notion that there can only be peace if there is justice.
The Christian teaching on peace revolves around the covenant relationship between the adherent and God. This peace is given by Christ and is shown in the sacred texts of the New Testament “My peace I leave with you,” and is described as “one of the fruits with the spirit.”(Galatians). Jesus tells his followers that “in me you may have peace,” (John) suggesting that the concept of spiritual peace is embodied in the teachings of Jesus Christ. The importance of peace is clear in the Beatitudes were Jesus stated “blessed are the...

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