In horror movies, sound is an intricate part of the film. Scream is no exception. From the beginning of the film, audio is present. The film begins with creepy music playing in the background as Dimension Films slowly comes out of the darkness. It is followed by a Rumble, as if multiple doors are closed. While eerie music is still the title of the film is stretched and comes back with a loud crash. This is followed by a phone caller, a heart to beat rapidly, a terrifying shriek, a knife slicing into something, and finally followed by more screams. Dialing phone band into the first scene. The caller picks up the phone and music, with a pounding heart and cries out. This occurs within twenty seconds of the film. Craven has already played on the viewer's senses. There is a concern that something bad will happen. Another example of sound is at the beginning, when Drew Barrymore's character hangs up the phone for the second time from the mysterious caller. The scene changes to the outside of the House where the camera focuses on some tree branches. It is the sound of a few ...
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