Inf 103 Critical Reflection Paper

Kellen Wilson

Ashford University

INF 103

Prof. Farooq Afzal

January 28, 2013

The information age might very well go down as one of the most influential movements of the last century. The term “revolution” refers to a drastic change. In what ways is this information age so different? Is it all-good?

Computers, with their ever evolving software and networks, and the consequential Information Age have been declared both a gift and a curse to modern society. As stated in our text “ It is now common to walk around town with a computer in your pocket that is thousands of times more powerful than the room sized computer of the 1960’s”. Bowes, The New PC-Portable Computing, (2010). I think society as a whole has developed a love hate relationship with the Information Age. By this I mean that, while we love the amenities that wireless connectivity, the convenience of having a computer in the palm of your hand in the form of mobile devices, and the creation of social media sites provide, we have become increasingly reliant on them. Not to mention the loss of privacy. To me, that is the “revolution” of this age. This age is different in the fact that these technologies have, in a sense, corrupted human conversation and interaction. On the other side of the coin, more information is being disseminated faster and better than ever. This access to such information affords many the opportunities to become skillful enough to translate information into knowledge, which in turn, will allow people to stay abreast and better protect themselves from this perpetually changing world.

Social networks allow people to connect for a variety of reasons in a digital environment.  You might join LinkedIn to meet business contacts, MySpace to find a band member, or Facebook to see pictures of old friends and meet new ones. Whatever environment you decide to be a part of, posting information about you has become an issue of concern. What are those concerns? I mean what is the...

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