Misconception of Identifying Ethnic Groups by Cultural Elements

Misconception of Identifying Ethnic Groups by Cultural Elements
The common misconception in relating ethnicity and culture is to define ethnic groups by cultural elements. Firstly, ethnic group is a category of people which is bound together by common characteristics that differentiate them from other groups. On the other hand, culture is a system of knowledge shared by a relatively large group of people. Culture consists of values, beliefs, religion, experiences, behaviours and traditions acquired by a group of people that is passed down generations by generations (Browaeys & Price, 2008). In my essay, I would like to clarify that ethnic groups cannot be defined by their cultural elements with several examples.
Commonly, characteristics and traits of an ethnic group is identified by its cultural elements. Elements such as language, religion and customs are used to differentiate a group and another. Specified cultural elements are categorized to represent different types of ethnic groups. However this assumption is not suitable to apply in many situations. It is troublesome to identify ethnic group by cultural elements. This is because the people within an ethnic group does not necessarily possess the identical cultural elements. For instance, the Cham people in Vietnam belong to one ethnic entity, however in different areas this group of people possess different cultural elements. The Cham people in south central of Vietnam and in Mekong Delta have distinctive differences in religion, language and customs. In the south central Vietnam, the Cham practise localized Hinduism and Islam as religion. They speak south central dialect and their writing is originated from a script in Sanskrit. In term of custom, these Cham people are considered matrilineal and practice exogamy. On the contrary, the Cham in Mekong Delta majorly practise Islam. They speak in Mekong Delta dialect and...

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Human resource


The paper will introduce the reader to the debate on human resources will be the most important asset of an organization. Human resources this refers to the different people who represent the employees of an organization. The paper has been structured in two broad sections, which highlight the importance of human resources as an asset. The first part discusses the different role that human resources can contribute to and for an organization. Section two explains on how human resources can be used to gain and maintain competitive advantage over its competitors.

Adding value to your organization

According to Mayo (2001), he mentioned that people are a unique form of assets who own personal capital that can draw on to pull out of the Organization and at the same time adding value to them. People in the work force better known as employees can add value through exposure in the work environment. For example, employees have the opportunity to Exchange and share ideas and knowledge while working in a team. Throughout his career are exposed employees for new experience where they can obtain new form of knowledge. As a result, they can apply it had better improve business processes in an organization.

Employees can look at ways to create innovative ideas and improve the existing products and services. Take a look at the build a Bear Workshop, founder has brought innovation by creating the unique experience of Teddy bear creation for customers. Employees are thus able to add value that benefits the Organization in the long term.

Senior management in the Organization

In any organization is in charge of human resources which constitute the highest level of management goals and objectives. After that, they come up with strategies to make full use of resources from within the company. With the goals and objectives in place, top management has set a direction for the ...

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Management Accounting Research paper-IPOs-soft

The selected technology is Enterprise Resource System (ERP) IPOs. IPOs is a system that was created and has been developed for use primarily in civil engineering companies. It is also the developer of a Czech company, which is mainly used in the Czech Republic but also in Slovakia. It is one of the best software in the industry and is often used by small businesses and large businesses foreign origin as COLAS CZ, a.s., IMOS Brno, A.s., and Tintera, a Litomerice Chládek A.s. this system combines a classic accounting systems that connect to the necessary legal requirements with a program for planning, managing, monitoring, and performance results of civil engineering contracts. It is possible to use this system without the accounting section. The production part is used by company Strabag Mostecká uhelná, a.s., CZ spolecnost, a.s., Stavby Praha, a.s. mostu, etc. (Börsintroduktioner-SOFT, s.r.o., 201b).
* What is the origin of the technology? When it began to be used widely in business?
The need for profitable management of civil engineering sites came after the Velvet Revolution. Many new companies were established, was growing and these companies needed to start making their work more effectively and be one step ahead of their competitors. Because each site is different, these companies needed to know their estimated costs in order to be competitive and offer better prices for investors. Company Börsintroduktioner-SOFT was founded in 1992 and since that time has developed its program of IPOs. (Börsintroduktioner-soft, s.r.o., 2013a).
* What are the key features of the technology?
As mentioned before, this technique is unique in combining classic accounting program with a production part, which is useful for planning, managing, monitoring and evaluating civil engineering sites. ORACLE offers a very similar program, and it is widely used too, but one of the ...

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Paadoxes of Universe


travel, I maintain, is possible. The paradoxes of time travel are oddities, not impossibilities. They prove only this much, which few would have doubted: that a possible world where time travel took place would be a most strange world, different in fundamental ways from the world we think is ours. I shall be concerned here with the sort of time travel that is recounted in science fiction. Not all science fiction writers are clear-headed, to be sure, and inconsistent time travel stories have often been written. But some writers have thought the problems through with great care, and their stories are perfectly consistent.1 If I can defend the consistency of some science fiction stories of time travel, then I suppose parallel defenses might be given of some controversial physical hypotheses, such as the hypothesis that time is circular or the hypothesis that there are particles that travel faster than light. But I shall not explore these parallels here. What is time travel? Inevitably, it involves a discrepancy between time and time. Any traveler departs and then arrives at his destination; the time elapsed from departure to arrival (positive, or perhaps zero) is the duration of the journey. But if he is a time traveler, the separation in time between departure and arrival does not equal the duration of his journey. He departs; he travels for an hour, let us say; then he arrives. The time he reaches is not the time one hour after his departure. It is later, if he has traveled toward the future; earlier, if he has traveled toward the past. If he has traveled far toward the past, it is earlier even than his departure. How can it be that the same two events, his departure and his arrival, are separated by two unequal amounts of time? It is tempting to reply that there must be two independent time dimensions; that for time travel to be possible, time must be not a line but a plane.2 Then a pair

of events may have...

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People naturally resist making changes in their Lives. Docx uploaded successfully

People naturally resist making changes in their lives. What kind of problems can this cause? What solutions can you suggest?

There is a phrase meaning: "rivers have their smooth areas and their rough regions and life of people go up at this time and go at a different time". People therefore have to innovate, keep learning new things to overcome challenges. People, however, refuse to make changes in their lives. This leads them to be unable to adapt to new environments.

Growing up, studying, making friends and getting jobs ... are the important issues of everyone's life. Each query is inserted in the various situations that have different difficulties and require specific skills. For example, the environment between high school and University is not the same thing. In high school, teachers devote full attention to you, make sure that you deeply understand deep subjects, doing homework and learn the lessons of the heart. However, you must motivate you to study. It's not the teachers ' duty. If you do not make changes in methods and still wait for help from teachers, dramatically reduces your study and you certainly get poor results.

Making changes is difficult, but it does not mean that we cannot do it. in my opinion, there are some steps to help you get into a new habit. The first step is to change your mind. You should carefully consider the advantages and disadvantages between the new stuff and the old. For example, the send mail through the (I) nternet faster, cheaper and more convenient than making them by hand. Next, you should learn it a little everyday, ask the help of your family and your friends. Finally, you'll be an expert.

In conclusion, the world stands today is not the same point, but always changing every minute. If you do not update, study new techniques and skills continuously, you will soon be without contact with the world.

Man's life change always day-by-day. Therefore, it sets ...

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Team discussion week 2

Individual summary of Team discussion week 2
HRM/531 Human Capital Management

Individual summary of Team discussion week 2

Team assignment for week two was to first discuss the week's goals with our team members.  Goals for week two was to explain how a job analysis is used to create a job description and explain features of a job description. A job analysis is an in-depth study of various collected information on specific tasks, important responsibilities, skills needed, essential competencies, performance and working environment for a job. With analyze you see the bigger picture in order to break down components in order to determine every aspect that must be examined and treated. The main function of a job analysis is to ultimately maximize the potential of employees. A job analysis is very useful when creating a job description that serves as a blueprint for defining roles and applicable duties. A job description is a written statement that describes the necessary skills and training required, time constraints, adequate remuneration for work, tasks and obligations with a position within the organization. Job descriptions help the employee understand their job by clarifying the aspects of performance.
When a job description is prepared, it can serve as a basis for hiring. A job description is a very useful tool to use in human resource Department employ because it allows the candidate to be measured based on the talent and experience to place the most qualified candidate in the position. Job descriptions for newly hired and complaints form helps identify any training that may be required. When it's time for a performance review helps a job description measuring performance of the employee. This in turn helps to create any improvement plans that may be required of the employee or with the process of advancement. When companies stop hiring, it is used as a ...

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Analysis of foreign financial reports



Chapter outline

I. reasons to analyze the financial statements of foreign companies include:
• making foreign portfolio investment decisions,
• making foreign merger and acquisition decisions,
• credit decisions on foreign customers,
• evaluate foreign suppliers, and
• benchmarking against foreign competitors.

II. There are several problems analysts can encounter in analyzing foreign financial reports, including:
• Search and to obtain financial information on a foreign company,
• understand the language in which the financial statements are presented,
• the currency in which the monetary amount,
• terminology differences that lead to uncertainty as to the information,
• differences in format that leads to confusion and missing information,
• lack of sufficient information;
• financial statements are not made available in good time,
• accounting differences that prevent the cross-country comparisons, and
• differences in business environments that can make the ratio comparisons meaningless even though the accounting differences eliminated.

III. some of the potential problems can be removed by company through their preparation of convenience translations in any language, currency and possibly even accounting principles are translated for the convenience of foreign readers.

IV. A significant number of investors find that differences in accounting practices in countries prevent their financial analysis and affect their investment decisions.   Some analysts manage this problem by translating foreign financial reports to a familiar result, such as US GAAP.
A. a different coping mechanism is to base the analysis on the measure of performance that many accounting issues have been removed, such as EBITDA.

V. analysts should exercise caution in the interpretation of the ratios calculated for foreign companies.   What is considered ...

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