How to smoke a brisket

The brisket is defined
Brisket is cut from the breast of a side of beef. Every beef carcass reproduce two whole briskets.
According to USDA institutional meat purchase Standard (IMP), a beef brisket as it has fallen from a side of beef "contains the anterior end of the sternum bone, the deep pectoral muscle, supraspinatus muscle. Proof of the Gristle moment of the first rib and sternum and cross section of 4 rib bones to be present. " You never find this ben brisket in the meat in a U.S. supermarket.
The whole brisket you buy Grill is what IMPS calls "beef brisket, boneless, deckle-off." IMPS defines it as follows: "all bones and cartilage shall be removed. Deckle (hard fat and intercostal meat on the inside surface) shall be removed on the natural seam exposing the lean surface of the deep pectoral muscle. The inside lean surface shall be trimmed practically free of fat. "The word" intercostal "refers to meat between the rib bones.
Deep pectoral muscle (the "within lean surface") is commonly referred to as the brisket flat, while the supraspinatus muscle is commonly known as the brisket.
Contrary to popular belief is not the same thing as the deckle brisket. Rather, it is fat and muscles that attach the brisket flat to the ribs.
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The apartment is just that: a flat, rectangular piece of meat that forms the majority of the entire brisket. This is the part that is cut across the grain and serve on a platter or in a sandwich. You've probably seen the apartment in case meat at the supermarket, separated from point and with most fat removed, ready for the Braise in the oven.
It is a lump of meat which partially overlap one end of the apartment. It's pretty greasy on the surface and in the flesh. It also contains a lot of connective tissue between meat fibers. It can be sliced, but its loose texture after ...

Supply Chain Management

What is a supply chain?

Here is this book's explanation of the "supply chain":

"A supply chain consists of all stages, directly or indirectly, involved in satisfying a customer issue. Supply chain contains not only to manufacturers and suppliers, but also carriers, resellers, and customers themselves.
A supply chain is dynamic and involves the constant flow of information, production and resources between the different stages. Each step in the supply chain performs various processes and interact with other stages in the supply chain. "

A typical supply chain can mean a variety of different phases, such as:
• Customers
• Resellers
• Wholesalers/distributors
• Manufacturers
• Component/raw material suppliers.

Some supply chain has all the stages but some have less, according to the company's environment. Each step could be a market or a hierarchy (Please reference materials in first class). In the Internet supply chain management, the designer must analyze the environment identifies the stages and types.

The purpose of a supply chain

In a supply chain generates every step a value. And the purpose of each supply chain is to maximize the total value generated. The value of a supply chain generates is the difference between what the final product is worth to the customer supply chain and the effort put in to fill the customer's request.

Supply chain profitability is the total profit is shared across all supply chain stages not only the maximum profit. We have to look at the entire chain's profits. The higher the supply chain profitability, the more successful the supply chain.

I stress this once again, "Supply chain management is about the management of flows between and among stages in a supply chain to maximize overall profitability".

Decision phases in a supply chain

A supply chain requires three phases of building. These phases are strategy or design phase, planning ...


Investment analysis for & decision-making
Assignment 02
Tran Van Trung Hieu
Batch 9

(Only the use of office)


STUDENT No.: E1000125

Date received
(Only the use of office)


PROGRAM: year 2, semester 2


Subject name: Investment Analysis & decision-making |
Mission number: 2 |
Due date of assignment: 15 April 2013 date of submission: 3 June 2013 |

DECLARATION: I declare that

* No part of this mission has been copied from someone else's work except where due acknowledgment is made in the text, and
* No part of this mission has been written for me by any other person except where such cooperation have been approved by the lecturer concerned.

Signature ... date ...

* Moderator has and may exercise the right to not select the assignment if the above explanation has not been signed.
* If the above explanation turns out to be false, no land to be assigned for this task.
Question 1:
Maplewood creations is considering to buy a new truck to replace an old truck which has a book value of $ 2,500 and $ 800 market value. The annual depreciation costs on the old truck was $ 500. The new truck, which will cost $ 29,000, will reduce operating costs $ 9000 per year over its 6-year economic life. The truck has a 5-year MACRS life and an estimated residual value at the end of 6 years of $ 2,000. About Maplewood has a 40% marginal tax rate and a hurdle rate of 12%, what is the NPV of the truck?   Use the depreciation schedule listed below:
(5-year depreciation schedule: 20%, 32%, 19%, 12%, 12%, 5%)
Year | 0 | 1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | 6 |...

Aids research paper

The search for a cure
The worldwide phenomenon that has affected the lives of millions of people is called AIDS. AIDS stands for acquired immunodeficiency syndrome and it is a condition in which a person's immune system is too weak to fight off diseases and infections (AIDS. 1). AIDS was first discovered in the year 1981, and since then more than 25 million lives have been taken (AIDS. 2). Even if the amount is a significant number of deaths, has the quest to cure the AIDS EPIDEMIC become accessible through the years.

I. Prevention of AIDS
There are several possible ways for a person to be diagnosed with acquired immunodeficiency syndrome. One of these ways is through perinatal or vertical transmission (1 vendors). This transfer relates to the mother passing down the infection through childbirth, breastfeeding, or simply during pregnancy (2 providers). For pregnant women who are HIV-positive, it is important that they receive antiretroviral drug therapy, which helps to reduce the transmission of AIDS to their baby (1 vendors). In recent studies, after pregnant women took the initiative and took part in the therapy, reduced the proportion of overall perinatal transmission to only 2% (1 vendors).
Another possibility to get infected is through unprotected sex. This year the condoms have been available to protect themselves from sexually transmitted diseases, one of these

STDS to HIV/AIDS. In the United States, about 53% of new infections from sexual contact (AIDS research ... 1.) Because it is expected that not everyone can or will be using protection during intercourse, microbicides were developed to reduce the transmission of sexual diseases (AIDS research ... 2). Microbicides could be applied to those areas that can become infected during intercourse, and they have the ability to eliminate HIV on contact, and to protect cells that may be more vulnerable than others (AIDS research ... 2).
Many other types ...



In this section, our central hypothesis takes attention. The hypothesis will be made to bring the information together so that the scientist to make a preliminary statement on how the variables in the study may be related. Another purpose of this hypothesis is to provide a framework for reporting results and conclusions of the study.
For these reasons was made the next hypothesis that give the researcher a direction of investigation and go directly to the especial points which it considered relevant.
The first hypothesis put "students who have not as native teachers are affected more than students who have teachers as mother tongue in second language acquisition"
This hypothesis pretend to explain that if a student studying French in English, this process will be affected in a negative way just because of the absence of native teachers.
The second hypothesis could be "A greater presence of native teachers, bigger and better results will be in the second language acquisition"
This hypothesis is a hypothesis that the two present correlational variables. One of the dependent variable and the other an independent. Set the hypothesis that one variable increases, the other also.
The third hypothesis, that "those students who have more contact with native teachers have a better accent and a better fluidity than the students who have less contact with native teachers"
Means when a student has a real encounter with a native teacher, he or she can develop better communication skills and also can improve their pronunciation in either French or English accent.
That last hypothesis may be mentioned "With native speaker teachers in language Department can provide more benefits than disadvantages to the students studying modern languages major"
The last thing it shows that this gives more ...


Independent Writing : Does modern technology help students learn more and learn faster?

Modern technology can push society to civilization. The boom in high-end machines like the PC, TV, mobile phone, to name a few has meant more comfort in people's lives. Students, as the biggest users of modern tools, get information on a faster and with higher efficiency.

First of all, compress time and space technology greatly, especially when these techniques are combined with training. To get a full understanding of what it means that we must first turn to an outstanding example---E-learning. When the computer is used in learning, teaching and studying process is pluralistic and effective. Remote training courses enable students to acquire knowledge without even stepping out of their bedrooms with a Macintosh in it. Although students in the home, they still have access to the various courses on-line, which contents cover all areas with different forms as video, text and sound.

Also, compared to traditional methods, modern tools make the process of getting the information faster and more accurately. Born of the internet connected world together. Backing of the huge database, students are provided with easy access to all the information they need. The only thing they have to do is open the search engine and type in some keywords, click on the mouse. What series of measures bringing them more than information is the welfare of the human intelligence. Don't be afraid of getting lost in the vast sea of information, keyword Search will greatly improve the accuracy in finding the necessary information.

Modern technology also gives students opportunities to communicate whenever and wherever they want. An illustrative example is my experience with the study forum for students to share their learning experiences and discuss problems with others. Although ...

Assessment in key stage 3

PGCE secondary mathematics

Assessment on
Key stage 3

Page Number

Introduction 3

Students 3

Lessons 5

How the students did 6

What I have learned 8

References 9

I followed the 3 students by 3 lessons in a year 8 set top class at the beginning of my Algebra unit of work. Have looked at target levels, I would say that most of the students in the class can handle, but there is a lack of motivation in some students find algebra irrelevant to their lives. The challenges that I feel that I encounter in teaching this class is to keep students motivated and on task, also make them listen while I speak, because I could say something 4 or 5 times and still having to repeat myself because of some students not paying attention. Also, that is probably the biggest problem, getting students to think for themselves. I have given students examples of the use of algebra, to keep them motivated. There are students in the class who are reluctant to take on new mathematical topics because it implies to some, crushing the doctrine, but then there are the students who continue to take everything on board and also come with their own procedures in responding to questions. It took me only a week to realize that students in this group need encouragement to push them towards achieving their target levels that are far above the national average of expected end of key stage 3. The three lessons I taught simplify expressions, multiplying one term over a bracket and solve equations. For this mission, I have chosen three pupils who have different abilities and contrasting personalities:

Student A, Woman, find math boring and irrelevant. She finds it difficult to concentrate for more than 3 minutes at a stretch. The quality and quantity of work reflects her disinterest in the subject. She is too easily distracted with low level disturbances in the class and is a contributor to ...