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Showing posts with label Guide. Show all posts

United States 2 Study Guide

The Treaty of Fort Laramie
the Treaty, which requires the Sioux to live on
a reservation along the Missouri River.

Dawes Act
a law, which was adopted in 1887, that was intended to
"Americanize" Indians by distributing reservation land
to individual owners.
Homestead Act
a u.s. law passed in 1862, which
supplied 160 acres in the West to any citizen or intended citizens
Who was the head of the family and to cultivate the land for five
years; a law whose passage led to record numbers of American settlers
claim private property that had previously been reserved
Treaty and of the tradition of Native American nomadic residence and
use; the same law enforced in 1889 to encourage individuals
to exercise their rights to private property and develop the Homestead
of the vast government lands.
Patrons of husbandry--a social and educational
Organization through which farmers tried to fight
the power of the railroads in the late 19th century.
Bessemer Process-
a cheap and efficient process
for making steel, developed around 1850.
Transcontinental Railroad-
a railway line connects the Atlantic and Pacific coasts of the United States, completed
in 1869.
Interstate commerce act
a law adopted in
in 1887, which established the Federal Government's right to
monitor the railway activities and created a five-Member Interstate
Trade Commission to do this.
vertical integration-
a company's
take over its suppliers and distributors, and transportation
system to gain total control over the quality and cost of their product.
horizontal integration-
merger of companies that make similar products.

Social Darwinism-
. an economic and
Social philosophy — probably based on the biologist Charles
Darwin's theory of evolution by natural selection — keep as a
system of unfettered competition will ensure the survival of the
The American Federation of Labor (AFL)-
n. an Alliance of trade and
Craft unions formed in 1886 ...

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