Showing posts with label Liberties. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Liberties. Show all posts

Civil Liberties

Evolution of American Government Responses to National Security Crises; Civil Liberties restrictions during these crises.

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Like the history of civil right, civil liberties have been a story of struggle even in time of peace. Americans seamlessly negotiate between the demand of liberty and order and security demands. But, during the times of emergency claims of security and order become immersed and conflict of demand becomes intense. From the past experience we are in open minded crisis and we cannot expect the recent vigorous view of civil liberties that have been embraced recently to exist without any alteration. Every crisis in history has led to condensation of individual liberty, and some of them are justified and unavoidable. However, most them the state have used more seriousness in the mission than it is emergency required

Citizens who life during the crisis need to understand that civil liberty is not a gift from the state in which it can withdraw during the time of inconvenience. . It is an outcome of continuous effort, which have survived for the last two centuries and must prevail the next third during the times of crisis and tranquil- to ensure citizens their personal freedom.

U.S constitution guarantees all citizen civil liberties through the Bill of rights. But the bill of right has little impact to the life of most American citizens since the first century. Even after disregarding the extremely bad violation of human rights and liberties that was inflicted to both free African American and enslaved, Native Americans, Chinese, and other immigrant groups, and the timely limitations of women’s rights and civil liberties abridgement were routine and severe. Many published books and censored newspaper were banned by the local government. The society was subjected to the rigid public behavior and decorum and criminalizing unconventional...

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