Showing posts with label Agree. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Agree. Show all posts

Revolt of 1789 Was Against Agovernment Which Was Tyrannical, Inefficient and Insensitive to Theneeds of the People.” Do You Agree?

The Third Estate revolted against a
government they felt to be tyrannical because
of its adherence to the doctrine of the “Divine
Right of Kings”. The Bourbon monarchy made use
of the doctrine of the “Divine Right of Kings.”
This was a religious concept that stated that
monarchical power was a God-given privilege. It
implied that people had no right to challenge or
seek any explanations from the king over the
use of his power since he did not owe it to them.
The people also did not have any right of seeking
his removal even if they were dissatisfied with
him. Such a doctrine would have been suitable in
a theocratic or highly Christian state. The
France of the late eighteenth century had
become far more secular and the ideas of
philosophers like Rousseau captured the
imagination of the bourgeoisie. Rousseau was one
of those who rejected the divine source of
political power and argued that people in any
society were the true source of all political
power. He further asserted that those who held
political power did so by agreement and
permission of the nation which was the owner.
That implied accountability and also the need to
govern in the interests of the nation. It also
implied participation of the nation in politics and
that they could remove any ruler they no longer
deemed to be exercising power in their
The Third Estate also regarded the government
as tyrannical because of its persistence in
excluding them from politics. Much to their
frustration, the bourgeoisie were excluded
from politics along with the rest of the Third
Estate. This exclusion was maintained despite
the bourgeoisie’s great wealth and education. To
them their continued exclusion had no
justification. They regarded themselves as
victims of a tyranny which was founded on an
alliance of the monarchy, nobles...

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World War 1 Was a Key Event in the Lead Up to the Revolution and Without It the Revolution Would Have Never Occurred in Russia. Do You Agree or Disagree?


Question: World War 1 was a key event in the lead up to the revolution and without it the revolution would have never occurred in Russia. Do you agree or disagree?

World War 1 was a key event in the lead up to the revolution. There were many other factors that will be discussed, but eventually all led to the war which in turn led to the revolution. 3 factors will be discussed other than the war, the famine in Russia and the strikes which turned into riots before the war and the big part which all strikes and riots built into, Bloody Sunday. Secondly Tsar Nicholas II and his actions during the war and the effects it ricocheted back to the fatherland and the support of Rasputin. Lastly, Russia’s involvement in the war and the impact on the war front and the impact on the general public.

Prior to the war Russia was in a very volatile state and was a ticking time bomb just waiting to explode. This was a result of the build up of resentment towards the Tsar and his inability to listen to the pleas of the people and   his   ‘go to gun’ attitude. All this resulted in the famine countrywide, strikes, riots and looting. Russian troops were in charge of the harvest and with them gone there was to be no food, which morphed into the countrywide starvation. In 1905 approximately 200,000 protestors led by Father Gapon went straight to the Winter Palace to tell their sorrows to the Tsar in hopes of him listening to the words of 200,000 men and women and children. Without any warning the palace guards opened fire at the protesters killing about 300 and wounding many more. With the result of Bloody Sunday the people were in fear and striking went up tenfold, and the revolution only got more tension packed.

The Tsar’s actions during the war and the consequences not only affected him but the whole of Russia. When the Tsar’s son the Tsarevitch Alexis had been diagnosed with haemophilia, the royal family met a ‘man of god’ Rasputin, who others knew him as the ‘Mad...

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