The Lagoon

The past three years of my life are what made me realize I have to go into the medical field and become a good anesthesiologist. When my brother got diagnosed with Leukemia (ALL), all I wanted to do is know what they were doing to him. This made a huge impact on my family and I but this is what inspires me and motivates me to work hard to accomplish my goals. I know I have a long way ahead of me, but I’m determined to sacrifice things in order to succeed in my career and not only to benefit myself, but also my community. I love to be involved with anything that has to do with helping others. Unfortunately I’m in the age where I can’t really volunteer in much places yet, but I’m involved as much as I can. With my mother as a wish granter at the Make a Wish Foundation, I have the opportunity to accompany her to all the interviews. I also help out in non-profit organizations like Candlelighters, in which my family is a part of and also at Hemophilia Outreach of El Paso in events and company presentations. My first volunteering service on my own will be at the American Red Cross (Youth Summer Volunteer Program).
I’m very excited to have the opportunity to apply for this summer camp. I really hope to be selected, I’m sure I’ll enjoy it to the fullest because I’m anxious to learn about health careers and getting involved in the medical field which what my future will consist of. Join Now to View the Full Essay

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