Showing posts with label Attitudes. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Attitudes. Show all posts

Consumer attitudes

The main purpose of this paper is to study the consumer response to mobile advertising.   Other major objectives is to explore the benefits of mobile advertising use to determine uniqueness with mobile advertising and identify relationships mobile advertising and the consumer.
The study was limited to the views of the University nationals for mobile advertising. Participants for this research were selected among universities national consists of students, staff and others.   A total of 200 students have participated in the study.
According to Techopedia (N.) is defined as communication of mobile advertising products or services to the mobile device and smartphone consumers.   Mobile advertising spectrum ranges from short message service (SMS) text for interactive advertising.
This study was carried out in University Malaysia Sabah, Labuan international Campus (UMSKAL). We will hand out our questionnaire to all citizens of UMSKAL including students, staff and others.

Various methods are used to define the general reaction to mobile advertising.   Benefits of mobile advertising are used as variables in response to the survey question about their attitude in this study.   The survey also asked about attitudes to different aspects of the study.   Definition of comprehensive consumer attitudes lead to the sum of the responses to the various aspects of mobile advertising.   That last point, we can analyze that kind of consumer behaviour with different aspects of the mobile advertising contributes to consumer behaviour.

The hope is that the citizens of the University would do most of the results of this research and the results may play a small role in getting people to apply it in their daily life and at least you know the benefits of mobile ...

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Discuss Factors That Influence Our Attitudes to Food

Discuss factors that influence our attitudes to food.  (24 marks) Approx 750 words.

Advertising influences our attitudes to food. A study by Lowe et al showed children videos of older “food dudes” eating foods enthusiastically, that kids would not normally eat. By watching the food dudes, there was a significant change in the children’s attitude to the food and it specifically led to an increase in fruit and vegetable consumption. To support this, another study by Tapper et al also used the “food dudes” and encouraged children repeatedly to eat the “right foods” and stickers were given if they did. The consumption of the foods went up at school and at home, and these changes lasted at least 15 months so was quite long-term.
Social Learning is a factor that influences our attitudes to food, either learning through our parents or peers. A study by Ogden found a significant correlation between the diets of mothers and children. This is supported Brown & Ogdens study which found consistent correlations between parents and children in terms of snack food intake, eating motivations, and body dissatisfaction. Social learning through peers is shown by a study by Birch et al, who sat children next to other children at lunch who preferred a different vegetable to them.   After 4 days their preferences to that vegetable had changed and remained changed after a 6 week follow up. Furthermore a study by Meyer & Gast surveyed 10-12 year old children and found a significant positive correlation between peer attitudes and eating patterns.
Another factor that influences our attitudes to food is our mood. It is seen that we show more arousal and irritability when were hungry, and are calmer, sleepier, and have more pleasurable feelings after eating. Benton supports this and claims sweet tastes often have a calming effect on babies.
The issue of Nature vs. Nurture should be considered in our attitudes to food. A study by Skinner claims up to the age of 3-4 years, food...

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