Recursive bit algorithm for Digital arithmetic

Vedic mathematics:
• Vedic mathematics is primarily the 16 sutras and their applications in order to carry out the tedious and difficult arithmetic operations, and to a very large extent perform them mentally.
• Nikhilam NavatascaramamDasatahSutra (or simply Nikhilam Sutra) is one of the 16 sutras is used for multiplication, and has been used successfully to overcome the drawbacks of the conventional system. This is where modern computing and Vedic mathematics converge.
The need for efficient multiplication algorithm:
• The use of numerical methods is widespread in most software algorithms. Such applications require an efficient code for basic mathematical operations, one of them as multiplication.
• Real-time system requires immediate reaction environment variables and rapid implementation of the decisions taken.
• Multiplication algorithms find application in Digital Signal Processing (DSP) for Discrete Fourier Transforms, Fast Fourier Transforms, convolution, digital filters, etc. Why open a new multiplication algorithm up a new strategy to improve the existing system.
This requires a "time efficient" algorithm "multiplication" to improve CPU throughput.
Explanation of the Nikhilam Sutra:
One of the 16 sutras of Vedic mathematics, Nikhilam Sutra stated algebraically as follows:
Consider two numbers n1 and n2such as
N1 = (x – a); a = (x – n1)
N2 = (x-b), b = (x-n2)
Where x = a, b = base, differences from base, then
N1 x n2 = (x-a) (x-b) = x [(x – a) + (x-b) – x] + a * b
Thus the Nikhilam Sutra effectively broke a big multiplication n1 x n2 to a little multiplication (a x b) and additions [(x – a) + (x-b) – x].

Decimal multiplication with the Nikhilam Sutra:
• 99 x 98:
Base with 10, n1 and n2 is less than the Base:
Consider n1 = n2 = 99 and 98

Number of difference base x
(x - a) = 99 a = time difference
(x-b) = 98 (b) = + 02
(x-a) + (x-b) – x = 97 * b = 02
Product: 9702

Algorithm for Radix 2 ...

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12 solid State Chem.

Class XII: Chemistry Chapter 1: notion of Solid State 1. Solid: Solid is a State of matter that are arranged forming particles very carefully. Constituent particles may be atoms, molecules, or ions. Properties of solids: a. they have fixed mass, volume and shape. b. Intermolecular distances are short and the Intermolecular forces are strong. c. their constituent particles have fixed positions and can only oscillate about their mean positions. d. they are heat treatments and rigid. 3. classifying on the basis of the arrangement of the constituent particles: a. Crystalline solid: the arrangement of the constituent particles is a regular and orderly arrangement. Examples: iron, copper, diamond, graphite b. amorphous solids: the arrangement of the constituent particles is an irregular order. Examples: glass, plastic, rubber 4. Properties of crystalline solids: a. they have a certain characteristic geometric shape (b). they have a long range. c. they have a sharp melting point. d. they are Anisotropic in nature i.e., their physical characteristics Show different values when measured along different directions in the same crystal. e. When cutting with a sharp edged tool, they divided into two parts and newly generated surfaces is simple and smooth. f. they have a definite and characteristic heat of fusion (g). they are called true the whole 5. Polymorphic forms or polymorphs: different crystalline forms of a substance called polymorphic forms or polymorphs. For example: graphite and diamond.


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Type of Solid molecular solid 1. Non polar 2. Polar 3. Hydrogen bonded Ionic solid ions Dipole-Dipole interactions hydrogen bonding, electrostatic or Coulombic solid SO2, HCl, NH3 H2O (ice) soft hard isolator insulator low low

Types of crystalline solids:
Constituencies for particles molecules bonding/attractive London dispersion forces or forces ...

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How to make GIFs in Photoshop 7 read more: how to make GIFs in Photoshop 7 | EHow Http://Www.Ehow.Com/How 4827521 animated-GIF Photoshop. Html #Ixzz2Vyzbufqt


Create a new document

Create a new document in Photoshop 7. Web documents should be RGB color and 72 pixels per inch. A regular square button 125 x 125 pixels--this is the size of the sample photo.

Go to the "Windows" and "Inventory" to ensure that the menu "Layer" shows.
Separate layers for each frame

Type the text you want to appear in the document, adding a new layer for each item that you want to appear in a separate frame. In the example in the picture are the words "test", "animated" and "gif" each in a separate frame, so they have been written in separate layers.
"Jump to ImageReady" button

Click the "jump to ImageReady" button at the bottom of the toolbar Photoshop 7, as shown in the picture. ImageReady opens the graphic.

Go to "window" and "Animation" in ImageReady to open the palette "Animation", if it is not already open. Every layer is shown in a separate animation frame. Click on the eyeball in the menu "Layer" to show or hide the layers that you want to appear in each frame.
Animation with three frames with a second between each

Select frames and choose how many seconds you want between each frame. In the sample picture there is one second between each frame.

Click on "Preview in default browser" in the toolbar menu to preview the animation. See the illustration in step above.
Last animated gif

Go to "File" and "Save optimized as" and choose a name and location for your animated gif.

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1. the author's biography | 3 |
2. Litigators
Summarise the novel support its title. | 4 |
3. Litigators and last shot
Compare the plot of the two novels. Explain what they have in common and what makes them different. | 7 |
4. Characters
Choose four characters and develop them as thoroughly describe their physical features, personality and their role in the plot.
Compare each (mentioning the similarities or differences) with a character (or more) from the last shot. | 9 |
5. alternate ending | 17 |
6. legal jargon
(English-Swedish + English-Spanish) | 19 |
7. Scientific jargon
(English-Swedish + English-Spanish) | 24 |
8. personal opinion | 28 |

1. the author's biography
John Ray Grisham, Jr., born February 8, 1955 is an American lawyer and author, best known for his popular legal thrillers.
John Grisham graduated from Mississippi State University before attending the University of Mississippi School of Law in 1981 and practiced criminal law for about ten years. He also served in the House of representatives in Mississippi from January 1984 to September 1990. He began writing his first novel, A Time To Kill, in 1984, and it was published in June 1989.
In 2008, his books have sold over 250 million copies worldwide. A Galaxy British Book Awards winners, Grisham is one of only three authors to sell two million copies in the first printing, the others being Tom Clancy and J.K. Rowling.
Grishams first best seller was The Firm. Released in 1991, it sold more than seven million copies. The book was later adapted into a feature film in 1993, and a TV series 2012 as "continues the story of lawyer Mitchell McDeere and his family 10 years after the events of the film and the novel." Eight of his novels have also been adapted into films: The Chamber, The Client, the Pelican Brief A painted House, skipping Christmas, The Rainmaker, The Runaway Jury and A Time to Kill. His books have been translated into 29 languages and ...

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BA papers


Learning objectives after learning this chapter that students will be able to: • • • • • • • • define what a computer network is list the advantages of network list various wired and wireless media for communication identify the various network devices, identify the type of networks according to area subject to describe the different terms associated with computer network. List various security threats to computer network listing the preventive and remedial measures against these threats

Have you ever been working on the Internet? Have you ever used an ATM? Have you ever given print command on a computer to print to a printer on another computer? Have you ever transferred songs from your computer to a cell phone or vice versa? If the answer to any of these questions is Yes, have you experienced and exploited by a computer network. In this chapter you will learn about the different types of computer networks, their benefits and what it takes to create computer networks. Puzzle 1, you can place the 10 coins in such a manner that they are in 5 straight lines and each line has exactly 4 coins? The designers of computer networks meet such situations. They need to think about different ways of connecting your computers so that the specific objectives of the network setting is achieved.





Network-a brief overview as a computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other devices that can communicate with each other. In this context the term linked means that there is a way through which data can be transferred from a computer/device to another. A computer network is a collection of interconnected computers and other devices that can communicate with each other and share resources for hardware and software. Why do we have computer networks? Are there any advantages of networked computers on stand alone computers...?

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Intro to statistics

Statistics in Business

Heather Vinson


May 14, 2013
Babak Memarian

Statistics in Business

Statistics is the branch of mathematics used to collect, analyse, interpret and present data.   It is used by entrepreneurs to make calculated decisions about the future of their businesses.
Types of statistics
There are two types of statistics.   Descriptive statistics deals with describing a set of data elements graphically.   This type of statistics do not make any kind of prediction, but rather showing bullet point data type.   An example of descriptive statistics were a plot line graph showing the population of the United States in the last ten years.   A person looking at this data would easily be able to determine how the population has increased or decreased over the last decade.   The data would be insufficient but to determine what the population will be ten years.
The second type of statistics, Inferential statistics.   Inferential statistics uses a selection of information to derive a future performance.   This is often referred to as a ' best guess ' method of statistics.   This type of information is what is used by businesses in particular to make educated decisions for future planning.
Levels of statistics
There are also many levels of statistics.
Nominal level statistics depict items by name or label.   Ordinal level statistics have ordered data such as number or letter.   Interval level statistics has data sorted by difference or interval between data.   An example would be a thermometer in degrees Celsius.   These are all great ways to organize data, but more reliable and widely used is the ratio level statistics.   In the relationship between the statistics are a natural zero point.   This fact gives the interval between data actual meaning.   A person can actually compare the measurements with the ratio method.
Business Decisions. All shops ...

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Disturbing Truth: Frida Kahlo my dress hangs there

Disturbing Truth:
Frida Kahlo my dress hangs there

Art is not always pleasant, but neither is society. Art and society has a reflective relationship with each other. Under the social, religious and political controversy with artists such as Frida Kahlo imagery in its portrait of society that are often disturbing to viewers. The role of artist often include acting as a social critic, show us aspects of our cultural landscape, which is unpleasant. In this way art works as a comment on the negative aspects of Western civilization. In the thirties and forties incorporated Kahlo hidden realities of economic and social depression in the works.
Frida Kahlo was a Mexican artist, most often recognized for his series of self-portraits. These works explore the physical and emotional distress that she endured during her short life. Frida's work, arranged chronologically, can serve as a pictoral summary of her life, political and social development and subsequent resolutions. She endured many tragic events including acquiring Polio, a debilatating-accident, an unfaithful marriage and a slow, painful death. Her career as an artist was in the shadow of her husband Diego Rivera, success and never given significant attention to the feminist movement in the sixties, after her death.
Frida's paintings seem to stylistically follow the surrealist movement, but she never acknowledged as an official member. André Breton, the founder of the movement, support in the Organization of the exhibition. During the later years of his life did Frida live by his work, even though most of her achievements as an artist was after her death. Frida was the first Mexican artist to sell for more than $ 1 million and also the first that have work purchased by the Louvre in Paris.

Frida's involvement in politics began at an early age with his registration at the Escuela Nacional Preparatoria, one of the best schools in the ...

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