Green computing is the environmentally responsible use of computers and related resources. One of the earliest initiatives toward green computing in the United States was the voluntary labeling program known as Energy Star.
Government regulation, however well-intentioned, is only part of an overall green computing philosophy. The work habits of computer users and businesses can be modified to minimize adverse impact on the global environment. Here are some steps that can be taken:
1 Power-down the CPU and all peripherals during extended periods of inactivity.
2 Try to do computer-related tasks during contiguous, intensive blocks of time, leaving hardware off at other times.
Write the note on world smallist computer ?
Scientists have created the world's smallest computer system to help treat glaucoma patients.
At just one square millimetre in size, the tiny device is a pressure monitor that is implanted in a person's eye. It may be small but it packs a hefty punch, containing an ultra low-power microprocessor, a pressure sensor, memory, a thin film battery, a solar cell and a wireless radio with an antenna that can transmit data to an external reader device.
The world's smallest computer (around a trillion can fit in a drop of water) might one day go on record again as the tiniest medical kit. Made entirely of biological molecules, this computer was successfully programmed to identify – in a test tube – changes in the balance of molecules in the body that indicate the presence of certain cancers, to diagnose the type of cancer, and to react by producing a drug molecule to fight the cancer cells.s
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