Then why MBA? It is an enterprising and enriching study. It is study through case and situation studies. The hotshot businessmen whose example you were given, it is their study. How they grew up, what mistake they did, so that you won’t commit the same mistake. It is the study of how various industries flourish, so that you will learn from their strength. It is an essence of all studies, no matter which field you are from you will have an acute change in your outlook, your horizon, your demeanour. You can be an entrepreneur, you can jump to a higher position in your existing job, you can expand your circle and your network, and you develop strategic vision. It adds strength to your resume. To make things simple, it gives you more choice, more interesting work and more money.
There are no saved games in real life! One single mistake and your entire endeavour is useless. It takes a lot of hard work and burning of midnight oil to get a good score in GMAT. And if you could have gotten yourself a ticket to your dream B-school just after that, then the story would have ended there, and you would not have taken the pain to read the article.
Sadly the story starts with you getting a good score in GMAT. What after that? You apply to different colleges with your GMAT score along with the required essays of the particular college. But again, you are not...
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