Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Smoking. Show all posts

“Smoking cigarettes is harmful to health” Essay

“Smoking cigarettes is harmful to health” That is a warming sentence which shown on pack of cigarettes. Therefore, the effects of smoking cigarettes on human’s life are serious. The main purpose of this essay is to discuss three main effects of smoking cigarettes on human’s life: smokers’ health, non- smokers living together smokers and economy of family and country.

            One considerable effect of smoking cigarettes is that it can make smokers’ health get worse. Firstly, people who smoking cigarettes is easy to get diseases such as: cough and lung cancer. Smokers are always coughing or clearing their throat. My father, uncle and my friends who smoke all seem to have a perpetual cough. They take cough drops and other medicines to counteract the cough but they do not succeed. Besides, the greater danger is that it may deteriorate into something worse like lung cancer. Lung cancer from smoking is caused by the tar in tobacco smoke. Smokers are ten times more likely to die from lung cancer than non- smokers. Pregnant mothers who smoke may give birth to smaller and less healthy children. Secondly, the number mortalities because of diseases connected with smoking become increasing. According to report of worth health organization, Vietnam is one of countries which have the highest smoker rate on the world. Yearly, Vietnam has over 40.000 mortalities from diseases caused by smoking cigarettes. To summary, smoking cigarettes has negatives effect on smokers’ health.

            Smoking cigarettes not only affects smokers but also affects people living around them. Actually, it also make non- smokers’ health get worse. When my father smokes cigarettes, I feel choked on the smoke and cough. Therefore, people don’t smoke but living together smokers, they are threatened their health especially children. Adults get lung cancer, asthma and other diseases; children get pneumonia. Besides that, non- smokers feel annoyed about the appearance of smokers. Smokers usually

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Elinor Saghian

Cigarettes are the single-most traded item on the planet, with approximately 1 trillion being sold from country to country each year. At a global take of more than $400 billion, it’s one of the world’s largest industries. People that are feeling stressed, pressured, or have any type of personal problem think that smoking can help them relieve themselves. In a sense you may be correct it but you might not realize what trouble you are putting yourself into. Smoking is bad for you in many ways. It causes health problems, cosmetic problems, and financial problems. There are many more reasons why smoking is bad for you but these are the main ones.

First and foremost, smoking is horrible for your health and leads to numerous diseases and disorders. Smoking leads to cancer, heart disease, and chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD). COPD alone kills thousands of smokers yearly. From the first breath of smoke the damage begins and the longer a smoker continues smoking the worse the damage becomes. Eventually the damage is permanent. Worse yet the same damage can occur to the smoker's loved ones who are continuously subjected to secondhand smoke. The effects of secondhand smoke can be ear infections, asthma attacks,   bronchitis or pneumonia for children but for adults it can be lung disease or heart cancer.

Smoking has many unpleasant cosmetic effects on the smoker. Smoking gives you bad breath. Continuous smoking also leads to yellow teeth. Smoking also has negative effects on the skin. Smokers age prematurely, getting wrinkles and ashen colored skin. If you have seen someone who has smoked for a long time you can see that they look older and unhealthy.
There are many people in the world that have attained this habbit of smoking. Some feel that smoking elevates them from their peers and puts them on a higher or cooler level. Others use it as a stress free zone. The smoking habit has gotten more and more expensive...

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