The main purpose of this report is to show the importance and the role of the indirect economic
effects of tourism on growth and GDP, employment and foreign trade.
2. Theory
Tourism’s role in th economy is often perceived as being limited to the hospitality industry
such as cafes,hotels and restaurants and outbound and inbound travel angencies and carriers,
which form the leading service sector in many countries.However, the economic impact of
tourism is much greater,since many inputs are needed in order to produce tourism and leisure
services,spanning the whole range of farm agrifood and indrustrial production,including the
production of capital good as well as constuction and public works.
3. Methodology and Data used
Highlighting these indirect impacts of tourism is regarded as a priority by the 20 countries and
the World Tourism Organization,which has produced methodological toos such as Tourism
Satellite Accounts.Assessing the economic impacts of tourism helps to inform the conduct of
stimulus policies in responce to international economic and financial crises.It shows that tourism
can become a driver of recovery,fostering stable and sustainable economic growth.provided that
sectorial support policies are implemented taking the central role of tourism into account.
4. Conclusions
In conclusion,the report puts forward options for improving the tools for meansuring the indirect
impacts of tourism and proposes the introduction of internatioanal comparions in all the 20
5. Critics
The first part looks at currently available methodological resources for measuring the indirect
impacts of tourism on the economy.It highlights the central role of calculations based on
Tourism Satellite Accounts and shows how multiplier-based analysis can give an overall...
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