Trade Union - Summary

Was established in 1919-1920 with the league of Nations.It was created by part xiii of peace treaty ending world war1. Started operating as a United Nation agency after world war 2.Grew out of 19th century labour and social movements which culminated in the wide spread demands for social justice and higher living standards for the worlds working people.

In 1946 after the demise of the league of nations, the ILO became the first specialised agency to associated with united nations.

The reason for founding this organisation was to offer and promote remunerative employment.

It’s headquartered in Geneva,Switzerland. The ILO was incorporated with a vision that was based on the premise that “universal “ lasting peace can be established only if its based upon descent treatment of working people.

The ILO focuses on social justice and the prevention of discrimination at the work place.


Original membership was of 45 countries in 1919 but it had grown to 121 by 1971.

The ILO is unique among world organisations in that representatives of workers and the employees have an equal voice with those of the governments in formulating the policies.

The ILO holds annual international labour conference where its supreme deliberative body is composed of four representatives from each member country i.e

* Two government delegates

* One worker

* One employee delegate

Each may speak and vote indepently.During conferences, the work of ILO is guided by the governmennt body comprising 24 governments i.e twelve workers and twelve employee members.Also the twelve deputy members from each of the three groups.

The office in Geneve,Switzerland is the organisation’s secretariat , operational headquarters , research center and publishing house . Operations are staffed by more than 3000 people of some 100 nationalities . The permanent ILO machinery consists of the international labour conference, the governing body of the international labour office and the international labour...

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