Comparisons Among Different Search Engines Marketing Essay

Today, the person who has more information on his hand is more powerful. To have versatile knowledge we need to have versatile information with us and for that we need to have a strong search engine. We have many search engines available around us. For some specific search criteria one search engine can give better search results than others. Based on the search criteria it needs to identify which search engine has better results. So, a comparison among these search engines can be demanded. In our report to find this comparison we have used both qualitative and quantitative method. Our analysis has made a clear distinction about the performance of these search engines which have been measured based on some search criteria. The ultimate result has proved that Google is pioneered for searching for most of the search criteria while others are a bit lagging behind. Again most of the search engines produce better results for Boolean and keyword based searching.

Keywords: Search Engine, Keyword Search, Metadata Search, Precision, Recall

Table of Contents

Introduction 1

Structure of the Paper 1

Background 1

Description of the Research Area 2

Problem Definition 2

Research Questions 2

Goal 2

Objectives 2

Method 3

Method Discussion 3

Limitations 4

Extended Background 4

Search engines and basic search techniques 5

Truncation (Wildcards) 6

Boolean search approach 6

Keyword based search 6

Metadata search 6

Language search 7

Precision Vs Recall 7

Data collection 8

Prepare Search Queries 8

Calculate precision and recall 9

Analysis 11

Discussion 14

Conclusion 15


Structure of the Paper

This paper has been structured according to the following manner.

Setting query criteria

Search query results and find their relevancy in different search engines

Observing the precision and recall of the search results with the different factors

Making comparison among different search engines based on above observations


We have many search engines available. The popular search engines are Google, Yahoo, Windows live search, AOL, Ask, AllTheWeb, and AltaVista etc. Searching information in the web using these search engines is a common practice among human in the modern web based society. Now-a-days, we cannot live without searching information as it is the key of power and knowledge. It is not possible to acquire versatile knowledge for a single person. But according to the necessity human can ask for the knowledge while they are connected with internet and have a search engine in front of them. So, information mining or searching in the web is a regular practice. Human have their own preference for choosing search engines. So far various reports show that Google is the most favorite and used search engine worldwide [1, 2]. Other general purpose search engines are not being used as widely as Google. As an example based on US Internet usage 71.9% volume of search ratio belongs to Google[3]. Other search engines have obviously lower search ratio. All of these search engines are keyword based search engines[3]. They search documents matching with the given keywords in queries. They have different algorithms for searching and indexing the resultant pages or documents. That is why getting the most relevant search results for the same queries differ from search engine to search engine. The searching queries may be formed in multiple ways for the same topic. Thus even the results may vary within the same search engine for these differently formed queries. A clear observation of the relevancy of search results for these queries can be considered for tabling the comparisons of these search engines. The differently formed queries can be categorized according to the keyword based search, Meta data search, language based search, searching with wildcards etc.

A clear finding out of the strength of these search engines need to be addressed. So, our research area is about defining comparisons among different keyword based search engines.

Description of the Research Area

So far many researches have been conducted on finding various measurements regarding search engines. Mostly evaluation of the search engines have been done based on finding the precision and recall of the search results. Besides performance of search engines based on queries regarding metadata (e.g. image search), different languages, semantic search etc. has been measured [4-6].

It needs to define a transparent comparison among these search engines to identify their performance level. Depending on the relevancy of the retrieved documents for the differently formed query set the comparisons can be captured. The approach will be an experimental effort. For this experiment the most general purposed and keyword based search engines like Google, Yahoo, Bing (Windows Live Search) and Ask will be used.

Problem Definition

There are many online free search engines available throughout the world. They are ranked by their number of hits. Number of hits or human preference does not indicate the performance level. Depending on the performance issue a comparison within these search engines should be made.

Research Questions

Which search engines retrieves comparatively most relevant documents for the first several hits? Analyzing and answering this question we will measure the proficiency of the search engines and thus this question will be indicated as our research question.


The goal of this study is to make comparison among various search engines.


The objectives of this paper refer to the ways that indicate how the goal of this research has been achieved. The following indications identify the means of achieving the desired goal.

Literature study and review in terms of query searching via search engines

Defining the query categories covering different search criteria

Evaluating the query search results

Observing the evaluation of query search results


The method of this research is the combination of both qualitative and quantitative approach. Since our goal is to compare the search engines on the basis of some key search criteria, we have used inductive reasoning logic. Observing the consequences from the search results that are based on the set search criteria, we will infer the existing antecedents. From these antecedents we will generalize the observations that will draw the comparison among the search engines.

Method Discussion

The qualitative approach of this research convey the literature study and review for articulating the proper reasoning in terms of indicating comparison criteria among different search engines. The quantitative part of this paper is for evaluating the different query results. On the basis of these query results the comparison will also be indicated. This quantitative analysis will draw the performance of different search engines indicating the precision and recall of the query results. This quantitative approach can be discussed according to the following steps.

Firstly, the queries will be classified for performance measurement of the search engines.

Secondly, the relevant documents for the set queries will be retrieved from the search engines.

Thirdly, the precision and recall for the retrieved documents will be measured by the following formulas:

Formula 1: Precision Finding Formula[7]

Formula 2: Recall Finding Formula[7]

Fourthly, the precision–recall curves will be drawn to evaluate the performance of different search engines.

Finally, analyzing these curves for various search engines under different classification criteria the comparisons will be depicted as a generalized format.

Finding the existing antecedents from the precision-recall curve for various search criteria the comparison will be generalized and thus the inductive reasoning will also be maintained.


The number of retrieved documents in first several pages for a specific query may vary for the time span due to their frequency of hits and search engines’ internal algorithms. So, a variation of analyzed results may occur time to time.

Extended Background

In this chapter we will discuss about the theoretical background of this research. The important keys and terminologies related to the topic for understanding it will be described here based on some prior studies by different authors or relevant sources.

Search engines and basic search techniques

Search engine is the engine for information retrial from a wide collection of sources. According to the Webopedia definitions search engine is “a program that searches documents for specified keyword and returns a list of the documents where the keywords were found”[8]. The top most search engines ranked by U.S. searches for August 2009 are Google, Yahoo, MSN, AOL, ASK etc.

Figure 1: Top ten search engines for August, 2009 [2]

The frequency of searching by Google is the highest and has a quite handsome difference than others. Although these differences show the level of human interaction with the specific search engine, it cannot conclude their performance level.

Search engines search information from web using hyper text transfer protocol (http) and return us the most relevant documents they find in the World Wide Web according to their strength. There are many techniques to get better search results from web. But all of them are not appropriate for all search engines [9].

“The ability to support advanced search options of native database interfaces, utilize Boolean, wildcard and proximity operators, and allow field searching are also significant functions”[10].

The variation of the search results can be observed using these functions. In this paper we have considered the following search techniques for building up search queries.

Wild cards

Boolean search approach

Keyword based search

Besides we will evaluate search engines with considering queries with different language and metadata respectively.

Query with Bangla language

Query for image searching (Metadata searching)

Truncation (Wildcards)

Truncation can be used for searching the documents related with truncated matched words. The asterisk (*) symbol is generally used for truncation and it is called wildcards. As example- if we truncate a word like “matern*”, it will bring all the documents where this pattern can be found in words (e.g.: maternal, maternity etc.). Wildcards can give more relevant results enhancing the effectiveness of search mechanism [11]. We can include some conditions for getting extended collection of information when we are roaming around the search queries.

“The ability to express typed conditions with wildcards is very useful to the users and it is necessary not to restrict the expressive powers of users’ queries against the object views of Web data sources”[12].

This is why we considered wildcards for forming queries and checking through selected search engines.

Boolean search approach

Presently the search queries that we use for information retrieval is mostly based on natural language form. But queries can also be formed using Boolean operators like AND, OR and NOT. The keywords joining with the AND operator will be retrieved in the resultant documents. The documents containing any of the keywords will be retrieved that are joined with OR operator. NOT operator will discard those documents where the NOT adjacent keyword will not be present.

Keyword based search

Keyword is the major or explanatory word of a query. Most of the search engines do the searching based on the keywords. Keywords are the most important key of searching information. As many keywords we can include in our searching, as much possibility it grows to find the most relevant documents.

Metadata search

Metadata refers the data that gives information about the data. So, metadata gives the data about data. Image, video, audio etc. are such type of data that are not self explanatory. We cannot search them according to their content. As a result, to identify their content we need to provide information about their contents. These data are basically the file objects. Files have their additional attributes like file type, created date, owner, title etc. Providing the information of these attributes we can search these data or files by the search engines. To get the most relevant data it requires specifying this information as accurately as can be done.

So searching these file objects to evaluate the search engines is another approach of this paper.

Language search

We have huge collection of information in the web in different languages. The search performance of the search engines can also be evaluated considering the queries in different language format. As an experiment in this paper we have considered the Bangla language.

Precision Vs Recall

We will find out the precision and recall from the query results. Precision is the fraction of retrieved documents that are relevant whereas recall is the fraction of relevant document that have been retrieved[13]. The query results will be plotted for getting the precision-recall curve that will guide us to find out comparatively better collection of retrieved documents by various search engines. The following figure shows the quality of precision-recall curves for retrieved documents.

Figure 2: Precision-Recall Curve’s Quality

The curve with red color has bad retrieval of documents. The blue curve has average retrieval and the green curve has a very good retrieval of documents. Theoretically the dotted curve has the best retrieval as it returns all the available documents where every one of them is relevant. But, in reality it is not possible.

“If an algorithm always retrieves all documents in a document base, it has one hundred percent recall. However, it presumably has lower precision … Precision at a certain point of recall indicates how much garbage readers have to wade through until they know they have found at least half of the interesting documents.[14]”

The characteristics of our analyzed curves will be measured according to this quality oriented precision-recall curves.

Data collection

Data collection has been conducted by browsing through different search engines for some specific search criteria. The first retrieved 30 documents for each query and each search engine have been enlisted as the preliminary experimental data. Manually checking each document the relevancy has been found. Based on the relevant documents and total retrieved documents the precision and recall has been calculated.

Prepare Search Queries

The preliminary and most important task of this data collection part is to set the search criteria and their sample queries. We have discussed earlier that there are different search techniques available for finding documents and according to these techniques we set our search criteria on six categories. These search criteria are as follows.

C1: Query with formal communicative words (including stop words  )

C2: Query with Boolean search

C3: Query with based on keyword search

C4: Query with other language (Bengali)

C5: Query with wildcards

C6: Query focused on metadata search

For these six search criteria or categories (C1…C6) we have defined six queries (Q1…Q6) that belong to these categories. The defined queries are as follows.


Q1: What are the maternal health problems in the rural area of Bangladesh?

The, in, of -> stop Words


Q2: Maternal AND (Health OR Problems) AND (Rural AND Bangladesh)

AND, OR -> Boolean Operators


Q3: Maternal health problem rural Bangladesh

All the words are keywords


Q4: ??????? ?????? ????

Bengali words substitute to “risk during maternal period”


Q5: matern* health problem in Bangladesh

*= wildcards; matern* should retrieve all the words containing ‘matern’ (e.g.: maternity, maternal etc.)


Q6: Location of KTH Kista Campus Sweden

These query is for image search module of search engine (e.g.: )

Table 1: search criteria and their adjacent sample queries

Calculate precision and recall

The set queries have been experimented for retrieving documents through the target search engines. The precision has been calculated with the regular difference of each 5 documents. As example, within top 5 documents we have found the number of relevant documents. Again, for next five documents that means within 10 documents we have found the total number of relevant documents. In this manner we have searched up to 30 retrieved documents.

So, for 30 documents with regular distant of 5 documents 6 precision points can be gained as follows.

Precision points = Nord top5/5, Nord top10/10, Nord top15/15, Nord top20/20, Nord top25/25, Nord top30/30

[Nordtop[n] = Number of relevant documents for top n retrieved documents]

All the relevant documents cannot be retrieved by a specific search engine. We can get some common retrieved and relevant documents for several search engines. For finding out the recall the set of relevant documents will be the summation of all the relevant documents found by the selected search engines. Since for each search engine we have considered the first 30 documents as experiment, we have found all the relevant documents within the first 30 documents of each search engine.

So, for each search engine we can again get 6 recall points for the regular distant of 5 documents as follows.

Recall points= Nordtop5/Rdoc, Nordtop10/Rdoc, Nordtop15/Rdoc, Nordtop20/Rdoc, Nordtop25/Rdoc, Nordtop30/Rdoc

[Nordtop[n] = Number of relevant documents for top n retrieved documents

Rdoc = Number of total relevant documents]

Below we have enlisted the detail precision (P) and recall (R) value for the search engines Google, Yahoo, Bing and Ask with respect to the set queries (Q1…Q6).




















Top 5













Top 10













Top 15













Top 20













Top 25













Top 30













Table 2: Found precision and recall in Google for the queries (Q1...Q6)




















Top 5











Top 10











Top 15









Top 20









Top 25









Top 30









Table 3: Found precision and recall in Yahoo for the queries (Q1...Q6)




















Top 5











Top 10









Top 15









Top 20









Top 25









Top 30









Table 4: Found precision and recall in Bing for the queries (Q1...Q6)




















Top 5











Top 10











Top 15











Top 20











Top 25











Top 30











Table 5: Found precision and recall in Ask for the queries (Q1...Q6)


Figure 3: Precision-Recall Curves for query q1-q5 (experimented on Google)

For query one (q1) we have fair amount of retrieval. Out of first 30 documents we got 22 relevant documents. So, we have high precision. But out of total 54 relevant documents we had only 22 relevant documents that ensure a lower recall.

While searching with Boolean expression (q2) we have got a very good amount of retrieval. Out of first 30 documents we got 27 relevant documents that ensure a high precision. But the number of total found relevant documents are 67 that imply a lower recall.

Keyword based search (q3) also resulted a good precision with lower recall.

Query four (q4) was about searching with Bengali language. For this special search Google returned a very bad precision with high recall. Out of total 14 relevant documents it returned 11 of them whereas it only returned 11 relevant documents from 30 retrieved documents.

Searching with wildcards (q5) retrieved a wide collection of documents. Both the precision and recall are lower for this case. It returned only 12 relevant documents out of 47 relevant documents.

Figure 4: Precision-Recall Curves for query q1-q3, q5 (experimented on Yahoo)

Here we have plotted precision-recall curves for query q1, q2, q3 and q5. Query with Bengali language returned a limited amount of documents. It returned only 9 documents where only three were relevant.

According to the graph Yahoo has returned higher recall for q1. It produced comparatively lower precision.

For Boolean search (q2) Yahoo has returned higher precision and medium recall. Out of 67 relevant documents it retrieved 26 of them.

Yahoo has very bad recall for keyword based search (q3). Out of 70 documents it retrieved 17 of them.

For wildcard searching (q5) Yahoo has average precision-recall quality curve. Out of 47 relevant documents it retrieved 20 relevant documents.

Figure 5: Precision-Recall Curves for query q1-q3, q5 (experimented on Bing)

Again, for the search engine Bing we have got four curves. Query with Bengali language did not return a single document.

Bing has produced lower recall for q1. Out of 54 relevant documents it retrieved only 16 of them. However q2 has higher recall and precision. For q3 we have medium precision but lower recall. Out of 70 relevant documents we have only 22 of them.

Query with wildcards (q5) for Bing has returned a very poor precision recall curves.

Figure 6: Precision-Recall Curves for query q1-q5 (experimented on ASK)

For search engine ASK we have got five curves. Query (q4) with Bengali language returned only 30 documents and among these documents we have only 8 relevant documents. So, it has lower precision. Since we have in total 14 relevant documents for q4, it results a very high recall rate.

According to the figure the search result for q1 has a very lower precision and its recall is also lower because out of 54 relevant documents it only retrieved 14 of them.

Boolean search (q2) for ASK has resulted poor precision-recall curves. Only 10 relevant documents were retrieved out of 67 relevant documents.

For keyword based (q3) search the resultant precision-recall curves is fair. It has higher precision and medium recall.

Searching with wildcards (q5) for search engine ASK has returned a very lower precision as well as lower recall since we have got in total 47 relevant documents where only 10 of them were retrieved.


Generally for a query, a search engine retrieves many documents relating with the given terms in the query and most of the time we check first couple of pages to get our desired answers. Many relevant documents can be found in the deeper pages of search results. Since it is not possible for a human to go through all the pages, we picked first 30 documents from each search engine and thus we accumulated our set of relevant documents from total of 120 documents. Since we may have many relevant documents in the deeper of the resultant pages, the analyzed recall will not give us accurate points to be plotted. Rather it may give us a generic idea about the resultant curves.

The search results on the set search criteria evaluate the considered search engines. For evaluating these search engines we have considered a scoring system. The scoring system defines the quality of the precision of the curves. According to the system the ‘scoring rage’ will define the range of relevant documents and the ‘scoring quality’ will define the quality of precision.

Scoring Range (no of relevant documents)

Scoring Quality (for precision)

Very few retrieved documents



Very Poor








Very good

Table 6: Scoring System for determining precision quality

Now According to this scoring system the quality of precision for the search results and the corresponding search engines can be found in the following table.

Search Criteria (Query)

Natural Language Search (Q1)





Boolean Search (Q2)

Very Good

Very Good

Very Good


Keyword Based search (Q3)

Very Good




Search with Bengali Language (Q4)




Very Poor

Search with Truncation (wildcards) (Q5)



Very Poor


Metadata Search (Q6)





Table 7: performance determination for various search engines

The precision-recall curves determine that for search criteria one Google has the best quality curve.

For Boolean search Google also produce the best precision recall curve. For this case, Yahoo and Bing also produce very good quality curves.

Again Google is pioneered for keyword based searching. It produces very good precision-recall curve respect to other pioneered ASK and Bing.

For query with Bengali language we couldn’t plot the precision and recall points for Yahoo and Bing as they could not find enough documents. Yahoo in total retrieved 9 documents and only 2 of them were relevant. Again, Bing only retrieved 2 documents and one of them was relevant. For this special case Ask had very lower precision. Although Google produces poor precision, it retrieved lots of documents.

While searching with truncation approach (using wildcards) Yahoo got better results than Google and other search engines. Although for this case the quality of precision-recall curves is not good for all of the search engines, Yahoo got slight better results than others.

The last search criteria were on metadata search. The probability of getting an object (image, video) on searching increases depending on the information provided against it. For this searching Google produced fair precision-recall curve. All other search engines could not find any relevant items.

The overall observation depicts that the Boolean search works best for information searching. All selected search engines produced good results for Boolean search except Ask. Then the keyword based search also works fine for information retrieval. It is applicable for all search engines, since search engines generally search documents on basis of keywords.

During searching we have also observed the following compatibility issues for targeted search engines. The tick symbol (v) denotes that the observed phenomenon is supported by the search engines. The cross symbol (X) denotes that it is not supported by the search engines.

Auto Suggestion

Spelling Suggestion (tried: Animol)














Table 8: General phenomenon supported by the search engines


Our analysis showed the precision and recall of the query results. These have been made based on the relevancy of the search results. Defining the quality of curves we have got the performance of search engines for various search criteria. The results show that Google has better performance for all the search criteria except truncation. For truncation Yahoo produces comparatively better results. Besides comparatively all the search engines have good performance regarding Boolean and keyword based searching.

Every search engine has their own mechanism of indexing the web pages so that they can be optimized for searching. If these mechanisms change, search results can be varied. Again better hits can give a page better preference of being shown within first few results. So, the relevancy for the specific query and search engine can also be varied time to time. Again, due to less hits a relevant page can go down of the search results.

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The Influence Of Pharmaceutical Injection Packaging Design Marketing Essay

Marketing » The Influence Of Pharmaceutical Injection Packaging Design Marketing Essay

The Indian Pharmaceutical Industry will witness a very high growth rate expecting to reach US$ 50 billion by 2015. In terms of purchasing power parity India ranks 4th in the World with an addition of 59 million households to growing middle class concentrated on its four major metro cities. The growing Indian market has strategic importance for the world pharmaceutical industry in terms of improvements in healthcare. The prescription of the doctors is based on the packaging design that differentiates the product in a crowded market. The role of technology in designing an attractive, communicating and utility packaging is of strategic importance to success in the market. In this paper we analyze the pharmaceutical injection package designs that are on offer in the market in the Indian market. This study identifies the package design that needs technological improvement based on the perception of the doctors of the culturally diverse Indian market. The study is based on the perception of 400 Indian doctors in the four major metro cities that have distinct cultural identities. The sampling was randomly selected covering the general practitioners and specialists. This study gives the direction for technological improvements in effectively differentiating the pharmaceutical injection in the market. The study showed that 41% of specialist doctors from Mumbai who are mostly influenced by the Western culture consider pharmaceutical packaging design of the injection as extremely important while prescribing. The study analyzed four types of injection package design and there was significant perception for the technological improvement of the packaging design for 'loose injections' sold in the market. This study has important implication for innovation and technology in terms of what specific packaging design needs improvement based on the perceptions of the doctors in order to stand out in the market. As the cultural aspects are considered this study gives a direction for the technology in terms of its acceptance and success for the global organization.

Keywords: Injection Formulation, Packaging Design, Technology, Global Marketing

The healthcare market in India is estimated to be worth US $ 30 billion and this includes pharmaceuticals, healthcare, surgical equipment and supplies, medical and diagnostic equipment. The healthcare sector revenue accounts for 5.2 per cent of the gross domestic product (GDP) employing over 4 million people. In the total healthcare expenses of India almost 80 per cent is accounted by the private spending accounts. The pharmaceutical sector expected to grow by leaps and bounds with the total Indian healthcare market expected to increase to US $53-73 billion (that is 6.2 - 8.5 per cent of GDP) in the next five years.

The latest findings of a McKinsey study show several factors that are responsible for the increase in the pharmaceutical demand. This includes a growing middle class segment with incomes available for spending, increased health insurance reach, several trends of lifestyle diseases such as hypertension and diabetes, and the expanding infrastructure in healthcare for both the public and private sectors.

The key highlights in the study shows by 2015 per capita disposable income growing to US$765 from US$463. The increased middle class households would account for 40% of this projected growth. The Health insurance reach would account for 15% expected growth and would double to 220 million by 2015.

Private-sector investment in the Indian healthcare sector would increase. The hospital beds would double to 2 million, and the number of doctors would double to 400,000. Medical infrastructure will account for 20% of the growth. Specialist treatments will make up 45% of the market, with patented products constituting 10% of the growth. India is expected to rank tenth in the market from fourteenth rank in 2005, overtaking several developing countries like South Korea, Brazil, Mexico and Turkey.

“Taking a look at the opportunities in the market we can identify the potential targets. Twenty seven million households currently in the low income category will move up, with the middle class category witnessing the steepest rise due to an addition of 59 million households” Source: McKinsey Global Institute Report 2007[8]. “Driven mainly through private investments, the number of hospital beds and physicians in India is expected to double by 2015 (that is additional 2 million hospital beds and around 0.4 million physicians)” Source: CII-McKinsey Report 2004[5]. India is basically a branded generic market. In the Indian market the influence of physicians is high allowing fair competition based on the product quality and scientific dealing. The influence of individual pharmacy distributors and retails chains however are on the rise. The current market is mainly from Tier 1 markets (8 cities with the population of over 4 million) which account for nearly 60% of the market with the Tier 2 market(26 cities with the population of over 1-4 million) accounting for the balance 40%. The significant share of the Tier 2 market is credited to the strong wholesale distribution system. It is expected that by the year 2015 the Tier 2 market would grow to 44% with an addition of 46 million households with high and medium levels of affordability, whereas the Tier 1 market is expected to add another 19 million with similar affordability levels the rise of Tier 2 market has important implication in the pharmaceutical companies in terms of matching the sales force deployment (which is currently only 20~30%) with reference to the potential. The two largest contributors are Delhi and Mumbai that continue to be India’s biggest markets. Another change expected is the rising influence of retail. Organized retail constitutes less than 1% of the pharmaceuticals market (compared to 30~40% in Brazil, Mexico and Russia). This share is expected to grow resulting in the shift in influence from physicians and manufacturers to the retail trade. While it will take time to reach such levels in India, pharmaceutical companies will do well to recognize this trend and prepare for the implications. (Source: McKinsey on India: India Pharma 2015)

Packaging has now become a very important part of pharmaceutical companies because the innovation in drugs and the unique novel drug delivery system has reached new heights. There is considerable focus being done by companies to provide total value proposition to the global pharmaceutical sector by using packaging as a functional tool and integrate it to a part of the pharmaceutical product.

The pharmaceutical products are unique in that the packaging also has to be sure on the quality of the drug it’s delivery time in terms of harmful reactions impact to natural conditions, and in order to preserve the shelf life.

Packaging is very important for the stability and efficacy of the drugs. The drugs are mainly prone to reactions external and internal, due to their volatile nature. Therefore pharmaceutical packaging is guided by regulatory and food grade guidelines that are derived by national and international bodies. The stringent stability requirements and the development of new diagnostics and drugs have increased the demand to develop a proper pharmaceutical packaging system.

Packaging not only provides protection to the drug but also decides the potency and the shelf life of the product. It is seen that inappropriate packaging leads to great losses of drugs in terms of loss of their critical activity profile over a period of time. That is why the need is felt to acknowledge packaging as an integral part of the medicine.

How packaging could influence the prescription flow?

In the last decade there has been a 70% increase in R&D spending of over US$ 60 Billion. Only three out of ten marketed products produce revenues that match or exceed the average R&D spending. Also it is noted that from over 100 discovery ideas on an average it takes around 24 drug candidates to yield one marketed product over the average time period of 15 years. Source: CII-GMP Frost & Sullivan. In this connection manufacturers have developed sophisticated packaging systems or marketing strategies based on the existing packaging systems that would support the requirements of the pharmaceutical products. As the technology and drug development advance the packaging systems would become more sophisticated. This along with greater marketing skills would be an important key differentiator in crowded therapeutic areas for solving industry wide problems.

This paper looks at the importance of Design for the Pharmaceutical Injection across the four major cities in India, located in the North (Delhi), South (Chennai), East (Kolkata) and West (Mumbai) which represents the diverse demography in India. The North is influenced by the cultures of Persia, Greece and Middle East invaders who entered India from the North. The East is influenced by the Far East & Chinese influence. The West is the Modern India with the influence of Europeans & lately the Americans. The South is the Traditional India having the original Dravidian Culture. We have analyzed products that are specifically required to be improved in terms of Design so that a strategic offer can be made by the supplier which would give them a competitive edge over the competition.

Packaging is the marketing endgame that consumers see first hence the package structure is the key differentiator of the products” (Arnold, 2003). The importance of packaging has been overlooked in the traditional marketing mix. A package is seen as part of the product because the package contributes to successful product performance. This includes maintaining shelf-life and the ease of use.

Green says the main thrust of marketing strategy is: Finding a value proposition that is unique and works, and then looking at the market niche where there is a value proposition that will be attractive. Rarely does any one product be all things to all people. It is for this reason that there is a need to find more interest in the development of the market including the development of products and/or services that respond to a particular niche segment. (Green, 2000)

There are several gaps that exist in the packaging of pharmaceutical products with reference to Utility functions. This research attempts to study under what conditions and through which the utility functions would create a competitive advantage in terms of evolving suitable marketing strategies. Very often the decision makers face the dilemma to justify their decision making related to packing as their analysis of the packaging functions are done individually and often without the full understanding of all the requirements needed by the customer. The result would be some companies would be blaming their failures on a certain part of the market mix which is not the case. McCarthy's 4 P marketing mix classification can be viewed by suppliers as customers' four Cs that is customer value, cost that satisfies, convenience to all users and the communication. (Olsson A., Györei M. 2002).

It has been found that apart from technical challenges, such as Braille, counterfeit protection, child resistance, senior and consumer friendliness, the expectations regarding the design of pharmaceutical packaging are on the rise as well. The reason being the increasing competitive pressure in the pharmaceutical industry that has discovered the significance of packaging as an important sales instrument as the survey by PRO CARTON, the trade association of the German Folding Carton Industry, shows that packaging is still the decisive criterion when making the purchase decision. Presently, over-the-counter medication packs try to win the patient's favor mainly from their place in the shelves. In those, a growing trend towards both more color and more unusual shapes can be observed. Jurgen Munzel has demonstrated that the usually plain factual pharmaceutical packaging matches the modern sales and marketing guidelines that are attributed to appropriate finishing technologies. (Jürgen Munzel 2007)

Human beings are prone to make mistakes because the tasks, systems, and processes that they work within are designed poorly. “Effective design delivers products, services, processes and environments. These need to be intuitive, simple to use, simple to understand, convenient and comfortable. This would consequently be less likely to lead to errors. WHO estimates that 10% of all medicines worldwide are counterfeit and up to 25% are in developing countries. Counterfeiting is estimated to cost the Pharmaceutical Industry up to $30 billion annually. It is projected to reach $75 billion by 2010 (WHO News Feb 2006, Phil Taylor. 2005).

PLM (Product Lifecycle Management) has been used as a system for managing a product from design and manufacture to distribution and disposal. It is a means of being able to store, access and update information on every element of the creation, governance and manufacturing process. Packaging is an area that addresses regulatory challenges, cultural differences and the ability to turn a profit in the battleground of global pharmaceuticals. When you consider that designing, labeling and managing printed pharmaceutical packaging can account for 60-75% of the total cost of bringing a product to market (once it has been developed and approved), the issue becomes even more compelling. The challenges are immense, while the potential cost and brand damage that can be sustained by getting it wrong are also considerable this is where technology could offer a solution as such advances have a direct impact on packaging (Lars Wahlström 2009)

Pharmaceutical packaging has changed over the years. Innovations are categorized into four types: design, equipment, materials and containers, and logistics. Unique innovations in package design can prevent children from opening the dangerous medication, it can improve seniors' easy accessibility to pharmaceuticals, protect consumers from tampering, reduce medication errors, it also adherence to dosage regimens by simplification, and educate the consumers about the risks and benefits of the drugs. Material and container advances help make design innovations a commercial reality, ensure products are adequately protected to maintain potency until the end of their expected shelf lives, simplify administration, minimize the chances of mislabeling or miss dosing, discourage counterfeiting, and reduce the environmental impact of packaging. Equipment advances have increased productivity and reduced costs by offering higher speeds, hygienic design, quick changeover, low manpower requirements, expedited validation, and automated record-keeping. Insulated packaging and refrigerants, and temperature monitoring devices such as time-temperature indicators and data loggers ensure the safe arrival of sensitive pharmaceuticals and vaccines. (Hallie Forcinio 2007).

Pharmaceutical manufacturers are lately challenged by strict control of contamination requirements, the increased turnover of their brand and broader product lines especially in a range of sizes and formats. To achieve speed time to market and looking at an assortment of packaging styles the pharmaceutical manufacturers need to be flexible on production lines and have a streamlined changeover process in order to maximize return on capital expenditure (ROCE), all while being within the regulatory boundaries of sterilization standards. Incorporating robotics has proven to be a cost-effective and efficient solution. Therefore there is need to offer speed, flexibility and usages ease. Here robots reduce contamination risk thus providing greater flexibility and having more products per manufacturing line. (Ignacio Muñoz-Guerra. 2005).

As Tony Stauffer, president of Packaging Technologies and Inspection, noted in career one of the biggest challenges was to convince companies to replace their destructive methods of package-integrity and leak testing with nondestructive technology as the new technologies are significantly more advanced, provide valuable data that will improve manufacturing processes, and reduce overall costs. Pre filled syringes is a ready-to-use product that is critical in the pharmaceutical industry today. Also, the use of flexible packaging in pharmaceuticals has grown considerably. In general, the pharmaceutical packaging industry is demanding inspection technologies that offer versatility. The role of the packaging technology and inspection is therefore vital in the development of a suitable improved injection formulation. (Tony Stauffer 2009).

The successful design, integration, and implementation of automated systems can significantly increase productivity and improve quality while reducing the number of pharmaceutical and healthcare packaging and labeling errors. Teamwork is key - not only among plant personnel but also among equipment and software suppliers and their customers. In addition to simple cost justification, a risk analysis review of how the automation process reduces a company's liabilities is in order as described by Gary Parish in the Astra Zeneca's automation of the clinical trial label inspection process. (Gary L Parish 2000).

The research in the Pharmaceutical industry is breaking new grounds not only in the product development but also in the packaging of the pharmaceuticals. With a rising middle class population of twenty seven million from the low income category the pharmaceutical industry needs to capitalize on the opportunities especially when they have invested huge sums of money in Pharmaceutical research (Source: McKinsey on India : India Pharma 2015). The old homogenous business model is unlikely to get higher market shares unless the pharmaceutical manufacturer varies their approach to the doctors especially in terms of value additions provided both in the product offering and the packaging.

The cultures of the four metro cities are varied. Mumbai has more influences of the European and American or Western/European culture. Delhi is more of the Persian and Middle East culture based on the Aryan invasions from the North of India. The Southern city of Chennai is the having the traditional Indian / Dravidian influence. Kolkata has more influences from the Far East like Japan & China. So the behavior / perceptions of these regions would defer which helps in differentiating the strategic offer from the manufacturer of pharmaceuticals. It was decided to check the behavior perception for the package in the four metro cities as their cultural influences differ. This result would help in the targeting of the specific market with a specific product-package offer. The relative Importance of the Design based on the four metro cities is done using a Chi square test which would narrow down the geographic location. This gives the focus in terms of improvement in design for the Pharmaceutical Injections based on a target market.

Having specifically identified the target market it was decided to Niche target the consumer. The study on four common types of Injection packaging available worldwide were done.

These are

Loose Injection

Injection in carton

Injection with a syringe

Pre filled syringe

The traditional packaging matrix model (Lockhardt Model) considered the packaging functions as Protection, Utility & Communication operating in the Human, Physical and Ambient Environment. This would be the basis to start our discussion to evolve the marketing strategy. In addition to the traditional roles of protection, utility in terms of product dispensation, and communication in terms of labeling, now the pharmaceutical manufacturers have incorporated several new technological innovations in packaging that are modifications to the existing attributes and several other attribute which are new to the Indian market. These new innovations in the packaging are providing the valuable edge to the product giving the competitive advantage to manufacturers who are incorporating it in their marketing strategy. The valuable innovations in the packaging are increasing the product sales as the physician and consumer identifies the value offer. These value innovations have become friendlier to the administrator or user.

Also the packaging has become more unique or different from the normal offer making the total product offer unique therefore enhancing the core competencies of the pharmaceutical manufacture. This competitive advantage helps the marketer to take advantage of the increasing market share in a highly competitive market. The synergy that the unique package offers to the product is what the pharmaceutical maker is trying to establish. As Packaging is not bound by IPR issues the advantages that the Originator gets could be offset by the Generic maker if the total product offer which includes the unique innovative packaging is really valuable in terms of utility and protection. It is therefore important to identify the winners in the innovative packaging of pharmaceutical products in order to get the first mover advantage in terms of the total product offer.

In the growing market it is wise to find out which is the right segment to approach to get the good returns on the investments made. Niche targeting would give the market strategy an edge over competition thus enhancing the product sales thus improving the efficiency of the targeting.

The design is dealt with the Utility function in the Human Environment in the Lockhardt Model.

Ho1: There is no difference in the importance of the Design of the Injection formulation among the Doctors in the four main Metro Cities in India.

A package is seen as part of the product contributing to successful product performance. This includes maintaining a proper shelf-life and usage ease of use hence the package structure is a key differentiator for the products (Arnold, 2003).

Finding a working value proposition that is unique and trying to find the right market niche that has an attractive value proposition is the key to an effective marketing strategy. Rarely does any one product be all things to all people. This is the reason there is a need for market carving and the development of responsive products or services to a particular segment. (Green, 2000)

The product quality is becoming important with several millions of dollars involved in new drug discovery and over 10-15 years of research. These factors necessitate the incorporation of appropriate product packaging technology for delivering competitive edge market mix strategy for sustainable marketing.

The paper looks at the importance of design among the Doctors.

Since most of the medical colleges and Hospitals with the latest technologies are in the four Metros, it was decided to collect the data from Doctors in the four Metro cities in India that is Mumbai, Kolkata, Delhi and Chennai.

Secondary data: Information based on Packaging, Marketing strategy and Pharmaceuticals will be collected from various Journals like Journal of Healthcare, Journal of Marketing, Journal of Packaging, Journal of Medical Marketing, Journal of Medical Systems, Journal of Product Innovation Management, Design Management Journal, PPharmaBiz, IDS Packaging, Wharton, Pharmacy World & Science

The primary data was collected mainly by the use of questionnaire using the Likert scale. The analysis was done on SPSS 15. The sample is systematic stratified sampling. The stratum was mutually exclusive as the four major cities are several thousand kms apart. The ideal sample size was 400 based on expert opinion of the Indian Market Research Bureau who does several official researches in India for several Indian and MNC’s to estimate pharmaceutical companies’ sales forecast, market share, price movements, etc

The sample break up in the four major cities would be as follows





The following Hospital were located in the four metro cities

The Data were from

Mumbai: KEM, Mumbai Hospital, Tata Memorial, JJ, Cooper, TISS, Rajadyaksha, Gandhi Nursing, LIC, Amita Nursing, CGHS, and Shivneri.

Delhi: Bhatia, Jaipur Golden, MIMS, Singhal Maternity, Guru Nanak, UCMS, GTB, City, Sir Ganga Ram, Taneja Clinic, Safdarjung, Indian Air, Chhabra Medicare, GB Pant.

Kolkatta: Sanjivani, P C M H, Ashirbad Nursing, PG, B C Roy Memorial, C C W H Thakurpukur Cance, M O Dum Dum, IPGMER, SSKM, Calcutta Med.

Chennai: Vijaya Heart Foundation, Raj Nursing, Inst of Cardiovascular, I K, T N Govt, Sri Venkateswara, SBI, Apollo, ONGC, Jeevandham Clinic, Rangarajan Memorial.

There were four research teams who were properly briefed to administer the questionnaire in the four metro cities. They approached the above hospitals in every city. The top ten hospitals geographically spread out were identified and in each hospital the sampling was done to collect data from seven to eight doctors from various specializations. The remaining data were collected from the private practitioners geographically spread around in that city. The completed data was collected for total 100 Doctors from each metro city. This ensures that a true representation of the city is obtained. The data was checked and cleaned before inputting into the SPSS.

The data was analyzed using SPSS 15.0

The Cross tab, Table I indicates that Mumbai (41.8%) considered the Design of the Injections to be Extremely Important, whereas Kolkata (40.1%) considered it to be Unimportant.

These results were significant as indicated in Table II

Ho1: Is rejected.

There is a difference in the importance of the Design of the Injection formulation among the various Doctors in the four main Metro Cities in India. (Table 1)

The data was analyzed based on the Doctors to check the significance of Importance of Design for the General Practitioner and the Specialist. The results in Table III indicate that GP’s (81.3%) and the Specialists (100%) from Kolkata considered this as Unimportant, while the Specialists (40.9%) from Mumbai considered this as Extremely Important. These results were significant as indicated in Table IV

The analysis was done on the Doctors for ranking in terms of Packaging Design Improvement for the various four main Metro Cities in India

Loose Injection. There was no significance (0.051)

Injection in carton. There was no significance (0.238)

Injection with a syringe. There was no significance (0.304)

Pre filled syringe. There was no significance (0.257). As seen in Table V.

These results indicated shows that both the General Practitioners and the Specialists were of the same opinion in terms of the improvement of Design for the various types of Injection formulations available. There is no ambiguity in the behavior among the Doctors on the Design improvement of Injection formulations package type.

There is a difference in the importance of the Design of the Injection packaging formulation among the various Doctors in the four main Metro Cities in India.

Table I – Mumbai – 41.8% Consider Design is Extremely Important. (Significantly)

– Kolkata – 40.1% Consider Design is Unimportant. (Significantly)

The results shows that there was a significant difference in the perception of the pharmaceutical packaging design among the General Practitioners and the need to target this niche market.

Table III – 40.9% Specialists in Mumbai – Consider Design is Extremely Important.

– 100% Specialists and 81.3% GP’s in Kolkata – Consider Design is Unimportant

Mumbai is influenced by the Western Culture whereas Kolkata is predominantly influenced by the Eastern Culture of China. The significance of the above data is that the Doctors in Kolkata are not much influenced and or do not perceive the design of pharmaceutical injection as important. As most of the pharmaceutical makers are from US and Europe they have to note that their injection package design has been well appreciated in Mumbai, whereas for the Kolkata market (located in the East) a lower design or design similar to the Chinese or Japanese makers would be better due to culture similarities.

The four types of Injection types was analyzed based on the specialization and it was found that no significant difference for the improvement of design for the four Injection packaging types. Here it can be concluded that the Doctors irrespective of their specialization and geographical region that they are located, are of the opinion that the design for the Injection packaging is good and therefore there is no need to consider any improvement in the packaging design.

As a final conclusion the target market would be Kolkata which has to be offered a product-package design for Injection different from what the West has to offer, perhaps looking at a design from the Far East countries like China or Japan which can increase the influence of the Doctor to prescribe the Injection packaged product based on design.

Looking at the niche targeting it is seen that both the specialized and GP’s regarded the four injection package types as similar in terms of design improvement.

The study can look at the relationship of the perception of the value in the packaging design based on a mathematical relationship of design improvement with its importance in the injection package for a certain geographical city. This would enable a proper budgeting of promotion to the favorable market/city and also look out for the package promotion to the market which does not consider packaging design improvement as important.

The limitation of this study is the assumption that most of the Designs available are based on the four Metro cities (Tier 1). In a couple of years other Cities (Tier II) would be acquiring Tier I status. Due to this rapid expansion of the market the data from Tier II can affect the results/findings in the near future.

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Customer Relationship Management Provides Improved Business Marketing Essay

Marketing » Customer Relationship Management Provides Improved Business Marketing Essay

Customer relationship management (CRM) has been widely considered as a business strategy for the business organizations to develop and retain customers through increased satisfaction and loyalty. Nowadays, in a competitive, technology-enabled and connected business world, the expectations of the customers are rising and it is far more expensive to acquire a new customer than to maintain relationship with existing customer. At present it is easy for the customers to interact with different brands in different ways more widely. So it is very important for the marketers to develop beneficial long-term relationships and engage with customers actively.

In recent years academicians and practitioners understand the importance of effectively manage of customer relationships. Their studies suggest that Customer Relationship Management (CRM) provides improved business opportunity, though it has mixed performance reviews in the extant literature so far. CRM builds a long term and sustainable relationship with the customers of a business organization and it could manage and recognize customers who are the core of a business. CRM systems can assimilate customers data from the organization and analyze the data to predict the buying behaviour of the customers and can also distribute result for different purposes of the organization. By analyzing customer information form CRM systems, companies can identify the most profitable customers and can increase sales revenue.

The purpose of this research is to study of Customer Relationship Management process and its effect on business. It will also explore the impact of CRM on customer retention and customer loyalty. The relationship between CRM technology adoption, market orientation and relationship marketing will also be discussed.

Key Words: Customer Relationship Management, Customer Retention, Customer Loyalty, Relationship Marketing, CRM Process, CRM Strategy, Market Segmentation.

“The customer is always right” or “The customer comes first” are two very popular phrases and today in the competitive business world these words are truer than ever. The term Customer Relationship Management (CRM) became very popular in late 1990s. After that it offered business organizations to interact with its customers on a different level. According to Turban & Volonino (2010 p.383) “Customer Relationship Management (CRM) is an enterprise wide effort to acquire and retain profitable customer.” It supports effective marketing, sales and services processes. So many companies are beginning to focus on CRM because the services that CRM provides can create high customer loyalty which is helpful for company’s profitability.

Treat different customers differently is the main theme of CRM, because the value of the customers to the company and their needs may be different. It is an enterprise system which could manage and recognize customers who are the core of a business and the success of a business depends on effectively managing relationship with them (Turban & Volonino 2010). By analyzing customers’ information form CRM systems, companies can identify the most profitable customers and can increase sales revenue. CRM builds a long term and sustainable relationship with the customers of a business organization. In a small business it is possible for manager or business owner to know the customers face to face or on a personal basis but for a business which is regional, national or multinational it is impossible to know all the customers in the same intimate way. Research by Laudon & Laudon (2006) point out that it is very difficult to interact with the huge number of customers for the business organizations where all the information is collected in different ways such as over web, telephone, fax or even face to face. But CRM systems can assimilate the customers’ data from the organization and analyze the data to predict the buying behaviour of the customers and can also distribute result for different purposes of the organization. Laudon & Laudon (2006) illustrate that companies can get various benefits such as customer satisfaction, reduced marketing cost, more effective marketing and even lower cost for customer acquisition and retention by using CRM systems.

CRM is the generally accepted purpose for the business organization to better serve its customer through reliable processes (bring together various information about customers, sales, marketing effectiveness and market trends etc.) and interaction with those customers. By using CRM systems organization can learn more about customers’ needs and behaviours and can develop stronger relationships with them. CRM Strategy is based on the concept that an organization's most valuable asset is the customer and the organization must manage its customer relationships wisely. Having the various departments of the organization (such as: marketing, sales and service) gather qualified information will create a database which is of real value to the company. Establishing defined processes for data retrieval will allow effective use of the data and a uniform platform for customer relations management as well as optimal customer service. Thus, an in depth organizational change that supports CRM is required throughout the marketing, sales and service departments.

Nowadays companies are changing their business strategies rapidly. As a result companies are facing new situation every time. The first reason of changing strategy is, people are changing their lifestyle and consequently the patterns of consumption. And another reason is the rapid development of technology. Both companies and customers have affected by new technologies. By using different communication technologies customers are continuously informed about products and the knowledge of the customers about products are increasing significantly. This increased knowledge leads the customers discover new options which decreases customer loyalty. On the other hand with the use of new technologies companies are changing their way of marketing. Finally, business organizations are facing domestic as well as global competition on the market and this competition is increasing day by day. In order to reach success, companies must find new long-term competitive advantages.

Advance technology, the rapid increase of the internet, one-to-one marketing techniques and customer relationship management (CRM) has become a key factor of marketing (Payne & Frow, 2005). There has been a significant increase in CRM related research over the last few years (Kamakura et al., 2005; Ngai, 2005). Many academics claimed CRM is closely related to relationship marketing. Strong customer relationships are important for customer loyalty which leads in turn to corporate profitability and information technology can build strong customer relationships. CRM has become essential marketing and business philosophies for many business organizations. For a business it is very important to establish, maintain and enhance customer relationships.

Modern technologies enable businesses to implement CRM systems which can create linkage between marketing and technology and can establish long term relationship with large numbers of customers in a cost-effective manner (Peppers, Rogers, & Dorf, 1999; Reinartz & Kumar, 2000). By collecting customer information such as transaction, buying behaviour, media and channel preferences, marketers can create personalized product and service for the customer offerings that could build customer loyalty and enhance profit (Niraj, Gupta, & Narasimhan, 2001; Venkatesan & Kumar, 2004; Verhoef, 2003).

Despite these advance technologies and huge investment, CRM faces serious difficulties and implementation failures (Arnold, 2002; Davids, 1999; Doherty & Lockett, 2007; Ragowsky & Somers, 2002). There are various reasons for which CRM projects suffer high failure rates including the lack of corporate customer focus, management commitment to customers, management change, and people, technology and process issues (Kale, 2004; Raman & Pashupati, 2004). According to the research it has been estimated that 30% - 70% of all CRM projects fail to produce results during the year 2001 to 2009. A survey conducted by the data warehousing institute of 1,500 companies found that 91% of businesses plan to or already deployed CRM technology and among them 41% of the firms with CRM were experiencing significant problems (The Data Warehousing Institute, 2000). Davis (2002) claimed that many CRM implementations fail to meet basic business goals and up to 70% of companies do not realize the benefit of CRM projects.

In spite of the continuing implementation problems of CRM, many academics and practitioners continue to believe that CRM technology offers the potential for substantial benefits to business organizations through improved customer relationships, customer retention, satisfaction and enhanced profitability (Bohling et al., 2006; Payne & Frow, 2005). The challenge many enterprises face is realising the considerable advantage brought about by leveraging CRM technology and relationship marketing effectively (Chalmeta, 2006; Ngai, 2005).

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Custom Centric Web Sites Dell Case Study Marketing Essay

When Microsoft launched its first public Web domain in 1994, few companies, let alone consumers, knew anything about the World Wide Web. The retail industry, due to the concept of e-commerce, jumped on the Web more rapidly than the corporate world. Now, however, most corporations have clearly recognized that their previous business model is outdated in terms of the viral world and changed their Web sites and Internet marketing strategies accordingly. As Gerry Brown (2009) of Blor Research states: “The Website for most of us today is the visual online external representation of a company.” When customers meet a CEO, they immediately comment on that organization’s Website. Thus, savvy corporate leaders not only want Web presence, but consistently attractive and relevant sites that offer personalized attention to optimize customer sales conversions, return visits, and loyalty. In short: To compete successfully against other Web enterprises in terms of products/services and, even more importantly, in terms of branding, corporations need to ensure that they adopt a customer-centric business model—whether they are B2B or B2C enterprises. Presently, this customer centrism entails leveraging the latest forms of social communication, such as blogs, social networking and mobile communication, another technical revolution in the making.

Business Model Definition

A business model is a functional plan that creates economic value for a business. It distinctly spells out how an organization can position itself in the value chain to sustain itself and generate revenue (Shafer, Smith, and Linder, 2005). Business models look at a number of different areas, such as innovation, finance and economics, entrepreneurship, operations, and marketing, to decide how a company will best define itself within the parameters of its industry’s marketplace. When the WWW became a reality, e-commerce ventures quickly recognized that exceptional customer service was required to attain higher profitability. The corporate world was much slower in realizing this. Many older companies had already forgotten that their

customers/clients were what had made them successful. Over the years, these organizations became more concerned with cutting costs on the bottom line and increasing revenues—frequently at the consumer’s expense—than with satisfying their customers’ needs.

Custom-Centric Web Sites: Dell Case Study

As billionaire Akira Mori says, “We must continually reinvent ourselves,” and respond to changes with creative new business models. Thus, most corporate CEOs are now mandating that their Web sites be customer-centered. They realize that opportunities online are limitless, but such results necessitate providing a site that customers will rate highly for convenience, efficiency, informative content, technological performance, trustworthiness and general satisfaction in meeting their particular needs (van Duyne, Landay, and Hong, 2007). In his book Direct to Dell (2005), for example, CEO Mike Dell discusses his company’s business model, which is based on direct selling but not with resellers or a retail channel. It adheres to three golden rules: disdain inventory, always listen to the customer, and never sell indirect. Dell targets both potential and present customers who know what they want and how the company can improve to better meet their needs. Dell also places an emphasis on segmentation, asking “how can I target the people who most want our product, so that I’m spending my resources where I know it’s going to pay off best?”

The New Business Model—Mobile Technology

From its first days, the Internet has been in the mode of constant change. Successful online companies also know that they cannot rely on the status quo for any period of time. Mori’s concept of “reinvention” is a norm. Thus, these Web sites know that being customer-centric is a constantly changing target. Over the past couple of years, for example, blogs became all important to establish ties with online visitors. Most recently, social networking with such sites as Twitter, FaceBook and LinkedIn, have become critical aspects of an online business model. Now another major revolution is evolving that promises to be bigger and even more lucrative than the Internet—mobile technology.

As a Morgan Stanley report (Meeker, 2009) concluded: “The Mobile Internet Cycle…is just starting. Winners in each cycle often create more market capitalization than in the last. New winners emerge, some incumbents survive – or thrive – while many past winners falter. Mobile technology offers a host of new services that can provide companies with opportunities to accelerate better business outcomes and a competitive advantage. Companies will need to determine which are best for their continued success.

Corporations are just beginning to understand the importance and impact of the mobile enterprise and its many applications. The latest mobile information and communication technology has the potential of providing organizations with the ability to attain significant gains in performance measurements, such as productivity and efficiency (Gebauer and Shaw, 2004). Many companies in a variety of industries are already successfully using mobile applications. For example, mobile technology provides a much more efficient method for social networking. Companies can have a greatly enhanced level of connectivity with their employees, customers and competitors. Mobile technology extends Internet communication, computing and consumer services to the wireless medium, which offers consumers greater ease of use in their personal life and at work (Jarvenpaa et al., 2003). Users can easily download applications with business news updates and product introductions, and the information is immediately accessible anytime and anyplace (Barnes, 2003). Because users are relying on organizations to supply this information, companies that use mobile technology have the ability to support activities throughout its value chain and enhance their competitive advantage. With the ability of two-way communication, business organizations can then get instantaneous feedback from customers regarding the information it supplies.

In the last decade, mobile technology has dramatically grown in size and capability (Atkins et al, 2006). The media content bandwidth increased from 1 to 3 gigabytes of data transmission combined with a number of different accessories, such as cameras, mp3 players and Web browsing. With the increase of thousands of apps, users have the ability of activities from gaming to business strategizing. PDAs have evolved from organizational tools to a combined global system for mobile communication/general packet radio service (GSM/GPR) that incorporates cellular coverage and allows for making phone calls, sending text messages and e-mails and accessing the Web.

The speed, ease and accessibility of communication allows companies with much faster and accurate market research and R&D to stay ahead of the competition and meet consumer needs by introducing product upgrades more quickly. Branding is enhanced, because consumers are more directly involved in the company’s decision making. This branding is one element of a larger marketing effort that is possible through the mobile technology. On PDA and cellular phone applications, present and potential customers can readily view ads and catalogues and be notified of any sales or other business information of interest. Marketing and advertising can be customized to target a specific geographical or niche audience (Barnes, 2003).

Mobile Technology Case Studies

An example of mobile enhancement is found in the development of location-based applications, which take advantage of the geographical data provided by GPS information systems. Logistics and transportation providers such as United Parcel Service and Federal Express use GPS applications to give workers information on avoiding traffic-congested areas, taking other routes, and finding the next location. These mobile enhancements are also incorporated into customer relationship strategies. The drivers and sales team not only have direct access to relevant information on the road and in their offices, they can also update relevant corporate data on inventory and pricing, plan personal schedules, and provide clients with more accurate and relevant information (Atkins et al, 2006). Atkins also explains how a restaurant owner is improving production and quality of service through these wireless mobile devices. The waiters can use a PDA with a Bluetooth or Wi-Fi to take orders, which saves them time from running back and forth to the kitchen for food preparations. The orders are displayed on an electronic board in the kitchen, which allows for personalized customer orders such as adding extra seasoning or eliminating sauces. When a recurrent customer comes in to eat, the wait staff can quickly bring up his/her individual needs on the PDA and make meal suggestions. In addition, to gain a competitive advantage, the electronic board is connected to a Web-enabled database that calculates stock usage of ingredients for automated ordering. The system controls the amount of wasted ingredients and keeps stocks within expiry dates.

As the mobile technology expands in the type and ability of services, corporations will increasingly find new ways for leveraging it. Pousttchi, Key and Wiedemann (2006) examined 30 case studies to identify objectives of mobile marketing campaigns. The authors found that mobile efforts are being used for 1) building brand awareness that focuses on the customers’ ability to recognize and recall a brand in purchase and consumption and that can be used for the launching of new products and services; 2) changing the perception of brand image; 3) enhancing sales promotions that stimulate faster or more extensive purchase of a product/service; 4) growing brand loyalty that aims to increase the consumers’ commitment to repurchase; 5) and building a customer database through surveys with the goal of collecting customer profiles of preferences and activity habits.


.As with any new technology, be it the transformation from hot to cold type in the printing presses, the introduction of the Internet and the WWW, the rise of social networking or the mobile enterprise, corporates are continually faced with an increasing number of different bells and whistles that they can use for their company strategy and marketing efforts for building a successful business model. They need to closely study their options to determine the options that best fit with overall goals and objectives for meeting their customers’ needs.

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International Strategic Plan Project Marketing Essay


The whole Project is based on the encouraging and opening a new business and entering into an international market. Camel Milk is famous in the Arab countries which can be exported to other countries based on which there are various strategies and analysis proposed which helps in analyzing the situation of the foreign country.

There are mission statements and goals define by the firm which has to be developed by the company in order to keep forwarding in a particular direction. After that product analysis is done which is to make research on the analysis on the product. The environmental assessment is done that is about the various forces which play a major role in the investment in the foreign country. After discussing about the various forces there are marketing strategies which comes in the place.

There has been SWOT Analysis which has been done in order to understand the situations in the country where the investment is done.

The purpose of proposing this business plan is to mainly focus on the camels and their product camel milk. Now a day’s Camel milk is getting popularity all over the world with its various properties being very useful for the human beings.

We will be discussing about the company profile formed for the product which we are going to deliver and there would be various other topics which would come in the discussion which mainly comprises of Product Analysis, Environmental Assessment, Marketing, Competitive and human resources strategy and in the end there is analysis done on our findings.

Globalization is described as the process through which the terms like societies, economies and culture are integrated through a particular network of various political ideas through various means such as trade, communication and transportation. In this project the term globalization is also referred as transnational circulation of languages, ideas or culture through acculturation.

The expansion is needed in the market and at every aspect where the increment in the economy can be seen. The main target is the international market where there could be so many chances for developing the business. As Camel milk is generally produced in the Arab countries where camels are found in large amount and the milk obtained from them is beneficial in many contexts.

In this section of our study we will be describing our mission statements and business goals of our company. The company name selected is Alvin.

The company will keep on acquiring and developing quality properties which are totally based upon the practical values for the affiliation of its own investment and for its partners. These activities will continue in the targeted markets and sub markets which are generally spread throughout the France and the activities will be focusing on the transactions which would take advantage of unique opportunities. Once there is development of properties the company would like to provide systems, skills and services necessary to develop the high standard quality product to gain the upmost operating efficiencies and finally to apprehend the highest profit performance.

There are many goals which are setup by the company to achieve the target which have been estimated to achieve throughout the year. Some of the goals are –

Achievement of brand recognition within a short time.

Regularly launching of new products and creation of employee-friendly work environment.

A definite time frame is indicated for reaching on the stage of profitability after a successful launch.

A clear vision for all the employees is provided for what they are working.

There are goals set up by the company so as to achieve the target mentioned in the beginning of the financial year. There should be brand which should be getting recognized or famous with the passage of time or within a short period and regularly there should be launch of new products and environment should be worth working. The time limit should be stated for a particular project to reach a stage of profitability and a clear vision is to be mentioned in front of every employee.

The product which is given for the study is camel milk which has been introduced in the France. The camel milk has the same properties as of insulin which is useful in curing the diabetes. In this section we will be going to discuss about various characteristics of the product that we are going to launch which includes the following properties such as





The product which is mentioned is Camel milk which is basically designed for the country France and the product has various useful characteristics that have various applications in different fields.

Functionality of the camel milk can be in its usage that is it can be used in various fields such as medicines, home usage and various other fields but mainly the usage of camel milk is in the field of making medicines for deadly diseases. So the product should be of usage in the medicinal field.

Design of the product should be attractive which can catch the attention of the consumer so that the there is an increase in the sale of the product but with the high quality of design, the quality of the product should be maintained.

Style of the product should be designed according to the environment of the country means as the trend going on in the country which can support the product.

Color will be according to the product for example as it is given camel milk so the color of the milk will be natural here so it cannot be altered although. (Camel Milk : The biggest hump in the milk industry , 2010)

The functionality, design, color and style are described in the above paragraphs apart from it the product should be fully developed and the whole of the product should be upgraded with the passage of time. The physical qualities should be a major concern for the company as it would be attracting more and more customers. The product should be attractive in nature as it should be fulfilling all the needs of physical quantities.

There are many benefits of the product camel milk in which some of them consists of-

Camel milk is considered equal to the human mother’s milk instead has 10 times more iron and more than 3 times vitamin C than cow’s milk.

It is also considered as antibacterial and basically has low amount of lactose.

Camel milk has been used by the nomadic communities for centuries as medicine.

In many countries camel milk is taken use for the treatment in Tuberculosis and the most deadly disease HIV AIDS which is spreading all over the world speedily.

The studies which have been done in the field of diabetes are most promising in which anti diabetic action of camel milk is considered as the important one.

High concentration of insulin resembling protein is present in it which has a positive effect on the immunity.

Camel milk is also being used in the manufacturing of beauty products as it contains Alpha-Hydroxy acids which are helpful in plumping the skin and smoothing fine lines. (sudani, 2010)

There are various benefits describing Camel milk which is to be introduced in the foreign country. There are first of all not much competitors in the world market as it is the innovative idea and if we talk about the remaining competence then the product launch will try to attract more and more of customers which are going to be sell at cheap prices than as compared with the market price. There will be lucrative offers which are provided along with the camel milk which will give a step ahead of the other companies.

There are many forces which play a major role in deciding the success of a product like camel milk which is imported from United Arab Emirates. Some of the forces are described below-

The national culture of the country to which the product is being imported is one of the cardinal factor and an essential component in the success of the companies. Major interest of market is in culture, habits and some proportion of attitude also which is important to get success in the international business. The working of a company depends on the way of interaction with the people where differences in culture are observed. Basically these are the social and cultural factors which can come across during business of camel milk in France. (Socio-Cultural forces and international business, 2009)

There are many other major issues which are related with the socio-cultural components such as attitude, belief, religion and language. These are considered with respect to the customers and the requirements of the people according to which delivery of the product is done. The policies of the company should be made taking socio cultural forces in mind. The attitude and belief of the peoples should be judge before investing in a particular country. The religion should be seen as it would not harm the religious belief of the people and the marketing which is to be done should be in the proper local language of that country.

A professor Geert Hofstede has evaluated five dimensions which are compared with one or the other terms through which the country could be analyzed as first dimension is about the small v/s large power distance, Masculanity against Femininity, Weak against strong uncertainity avoidance, Long against short term orientation and individualism v/s collectivism. These are the dimensions which can be helpful in describing cultural differences within the country or characteristics of an individual in a particular region as there will be many kind of people living in a particular country.

Economic forces generally refer to the character of the economy system of the country. The economic policies offered by the government which are suitable for the camel milk and the businessmen anticipate the market situations and make maximize with the minimum cost. There should be capital market available in the France to establish business in the sector of camel milk which will be exported from United Arab Emirates. The businessmen also study about the nature of factor endowment before investing in a particular country.

There are major issues like International debt and age distribution which should be kept in mind. The international debt is about the loan on the banks which is taken by the company which is considered as the economic forces and age distribution that is the product which is being developed should be manufactured taking every age person in their mind.

There are 8 dimensions present which come across the economic forces that are Gross National Income, GNI/capita, Income distribution, Private consumption, exchange rate, interest rate, and Unit labor cost and inflation rate. These dimensions also affect the economic condition of the country as investors analyze these dimensions. The gross national income of the France was $ 2177.7 billion in the year 2005 and in the same year GNI per capita was $ 30,540. In the year 2009 the inflation rate is 0.1% apart from the 2.8% in the year 2008. The interest rate in the past few years was 6.7% in France. These all statistics are also analyzed while investing in a particular area or region and also these were the eight dimensions which has to be take care while investing.

The country France is considered as the civil law country and the legal system is based on the body of written law. The legal forces are attached with two judicial systems- administrative and judicial. There is a provision of extra legal protection to the French citizens so there would be no chance for any mistakes committed by the exporters of the camel milk. Many legal and political forces is acting presently on the exporting and importing of any product which make difficult for any of the businessmen to setup a new business in the country.

The political factors are affecting the business at the global level which comes in many forms. The ideological forces for instance capitalism, communism and socialism which plays an important role in the operation of business and considered as venturing in the international commerce. These all factors play an important role in the exporting of camel milk in France while the basis of capitalism is free enterprise. There are many several areas where government controls businesses through interfering in the policies like safety, zoning, wages, employment conditions and various other areas. Other political factor is the political environment in a particular country is in flux, which can also affect business in importing, exporting or operating in that particular country as it is here in France. (Foreign Environments Affecting International Business, 2010)

As other forces the financial forces is also important with respect to the exporting camel milk to the France. There are much financial laws and policies created in the France which can create hindrance in the setup of business. The company which is setting up business in France should be financially strong as it could face few setbacks at the starting of the business as well as financial forces should be lenient.

There would be requirement of labor to work in the firms as the setup of camel milk industry requires large labor force. There is increment in the female labor work in the France which was reported as 46.98 percent in 2008 which was high as compared with the past few years. In France, Labor force normally consists of the people between age group 15 and older and France is considered as second trading nation and second largest economy in Europe. So the laws and policies for labor forces are made easy for the international business.

The labor force should be taken with the quantity and quality of the labor which is available in the market of that country that is a company has a requirement of cheap and a good quality work force for their firms and usually the force should be local as they would be knowing the taste of the people according to which suggestions could be taken from them to bring up innovations. The size of the workforce should be moderate who can handle and manage the work. The relationship between the manager or employer and employee should be healthy as it would take help in their maintaining decorum at their work place.

Market entering strategy is the method of providing services to a particular market and distributing goods there. There are many advantages in exporting the products to the France through three ways which are as follows-

It minimizes the investment in the upfront.

It overcomes the need of the large extra fixed cost which is required for investment.

It develops a strategy to enter in the market which avoids making costly or dangerous overseas mistakes.

There are basically three common strategies to enter any type of market which are indirect exporting, directly exporting products and producing product in the target market. These were the basic strategies which can give a start to any type of business but to maintain a reputation in the growing market there is a need of other strategies which can fulfill the purpose of exporting the product. We are going to concentrate on the market of France where camel milk id to be exported from the United Arab Emirates as we know that it is hub for the market of camel milk. It also depends on the financial resources of the country to enter in the market in which France is at strong part.

In building a market strategy, there are various factors which should be kept in mind such as time, image through promotion, intelligence system and effort and money. As we know that camel milk is not at all famous in the country like France because of less quantity of camel. So there is a need of promotion campaigns which requires a large investment. There can be facing of difficulty in the contract which can be costly or weak legal integrations between two countries. There are various types of marketing entry strategies and some of them are-

Exporting which is somewhat traditional way of operating in the foreign markets. It is the marketing of goods which is produced in a particular country into another country. This is the method which we will be using in our product that is camel milk which is produced in UAE to France.

Licensing could be method in which a company is allowed to manufacture, process, trademark and some other skills provided by the licensor which will be difficult in the case of camel milk because it cannot be manufactured in France.

Joint Ventures is referred to an enterprise in which there are two or more than two investors share ownership and control rights and operations of property.

There are several other strategies such as contract manufacture, ownership and participation in export processing zones which can be useful in entering in the market but the above mentioned strategies are basically used. (Chapter 7 : Market Entry Strategy)

In the analysis of market there are various segments included which is competitive analysis, market segmentation and target market. Competitive analysis is analyzing about the competition present in the market of France which will be least in the case of camel milk. There could be competition of the camel milk from the Asia which could be found in France which is another source of camel milk. The target market should be the milk product which is being produced through milk of another animal; it should be mainly replaced by camel milk product as there is high consumption of cheese in the France which could be main focus of the company so as to develop the cheese product from the camel milk which is exported from United Arab Emirates. Market segmentation refers to the various segments of the milk products which are present in the market of France; the company should try to replace the products through its marketing strategies or marketing campaigns.

The product which we will be offering will be camel milk and the products manufactured from the same. As we know that the products made of cheese are too famous out there in France which will be our main focus of marketing. We just have to try to curb in maximum of the market through our marketing strategies and campaigns. Camel milk is not at all famous in France which will make hard for the company to make it famous and requires more effort. The product should be made differently or the taste or packing should be somewhat different and attractive from other products present in the market.

The place selected is the country France in which firstly the product should be launched in the main metro cities which can grab the market or gain experience which should be then expanded to the rural areas. The place should be effectively chosen where there are so much chances of failure.

The main issue which arises at the time of launching of any product is the price selection for the product as it should not cost customer much and on the other side it should be beneficial for the company as well. The price should be compared and lowered as much as the other product prices which can give extra zeal to the quality of the product.

As we talk about promotional strategies then the standard and quality of product should be maintained with the passage of time. The alteration in price should not be much which can make difference in the reputation of the company. There should be improvement in the product with the observation of market and other products and essential improvement should be made.

Competitive strategy is considered as a plan about the firm and their plans to completely formulate or evaluate the strengths and weaknesses as compared with those of its competitors as an example a small meatpacking place which has decided to concentrate on the special product that is offered in limited areas determining that it cannot compete with the major competitors.

The main author, writer and researcher Porter have given Porter’s generic competitive strategies which can help the firm find the ways to find the ways to compete. So the strategies help the company to make its strategies while entering into the market so as to make the market in favor of the camel milk. The relative position of the firm decides the profitability is above or below average of a particular industry. There are two basic types of competitive advantages which can be possessed by any particular firm that is low cost or differentiation and these two basic types of advantage combined with the scope of the activities and the firms try to achieve them. This leads to three generic strategies for achieving the above performance in the market-

Cost Leadership- In this kind of strategy the firm tries to become low cost producer in the whole industry and the sources of the advantage in the cost are varied and mostly depend on the structure of the industry which includes pursuit of economies of scale, preferential access to raw materials, proprietary technology and many other factors. The producer of low cost must fin and exploit all the sources of the cost advantages.

Differentiation- In this kind of strategy the firm should be having a unique in the whole industry along the various dimensions which are widely valued by the buyers. There is selection of a single or more attributes which is considered as important in an industry and positioned them in a unique place to meet the needs and the firm is rewarded with the premium price for its uniqueness.

Focus- The strategy of focus basically rests on the choice of a narrow scope of competition within an industry. A particular individual known as focuser selects a segment or a bunch of segment in the industry and manipulate its strategies to serve them to the exclusion of others. (Porter's Generic Competitive Strategies)

The basic job of the strategist is to understand the situation and cope with the competition but however managers have defined the competition very narrowly. There are five forces which are shaped that understand the industry situation is –

Threat of the new entrants

Bargaining power of the suppliers

Bargaining power of the buyers

Rivalry among existing competitors

Threat of substitute services or products.

The configurations of the forces differ from the industry and the strongest force determines the profitability and become most important in the formulation of the strategy. The camel milk should have to follow the five forces which have to make their profitability maximum.

Human Resource Strategy in our view is a strategic process or outcome which is jointly shared by the line managers and human resources to solve the problems related with the business. The human resource department of the firm recruits top talent and keeps the present employees satisfied by their beneficial plans.

Human Resource strategies are as unique as the fingerprints because in order to flourish, they all need a special guidance and managerial support. As we are going to introduce camel milk in the international market so we will need a specific human resource strategies which could make the market in favor of the product. The company’s goals and objectives are kept in mind while attempting for a successful Human Resource strategies. We have to adopt more than one growing paths so as to place our investments and to find out the capabilities of the company to accomplish the choices of the growth. There should be both long term and short term objectives set to help the hiring managers which seek qualified talent for the open positions. The company’s objective should be kept in mind in order focus on the connection with the people and the goals themselves. There is specific framework which is followed by the company in order to set up the business in the other country because there are many weaknesses and threats which comes in the way while encountering the international market. The company provides with the opportunities and responsibilities to the employees wherever possible so as to enhance their efficiency, productivity and the quality of the end product as well as of the employees also. The personal responsibility which is provided to the employees set a defined purpose for the employees within the company to focus on their energies where they can have the greatest impact.

The company is entering the market so they have to develop human resource strategy within themselves to avoid the threats of the new entrants in the international market. As there are many hazards that most often spoil the success of the strategy so the strategies should be practical and most of the time close to the business. There should be pivot points in the talent and organization which should be find out in order to have the most positive impact on the results. There should be separate treatment given to the talent and jobs as both of them are the separate things at their places.

Finally there is a superb Human Resource strategy but it will be of no use if the proper professionals and channels are not in place to put that strategy in action, there is a support needed from top to down in order to succeed in the strategy formed by the company for entering in the international market.

As we all know if we are introducing camel milk in the foreign countries it is some kind of new and innovative product or services which will help in developing and capturing the minds of the people. The location of the business should be at the place where it is easy for the buyer, supplier and to the company. The process and procedures would be of best quality as in today’s world there is focus given on quality instead of quantity. The marketing expertise should be specialist in their respective field as the company is entering in the new market which will pose many different situations and problems in front of the company.


When we are entering an international market which can pose by many weaknesses to a particular company as the company could lack in the marketing expertise and the product could be undifferentiated or services could be same as the other competitors are giving which will not attract the customers for your product. The main weakness which comes in the way is the location of the business which be situated in a particular place where it is easier for both suppliers and buyers. The quality of the goods and services should be maintained and should be increased with the passage of time of the settling of the business. The reputation of the brand should be maintained throughout the service years as it would fetch more and more customers for their product.

There are many opportunities available for a particular company in an international market as it could provide a developing market for an instance internet. There are many joint ventures, mergers and strategic alliances. When the company is moving into a new market then the market segment in which the company is entering offer an improved profits. There are loads and loads of improved and profitable international market present in many countries where the company could maximize its profit. There may be chances of vacated place in the market through the ineffectiveness of the competitors which could be grasped as an opportunity.

At the time of entering an international market there is more chances of threats than any other thing. The main threat is the entry of new entrants in the home market which can bring up them with some different and attractive strategy in the market and grasp their customers. There is a price war which can be seen anytime of the year between the competitors whereas the competitor could bring up with the new, innovative and extraordinary services or products. There is a threat of the superiority in accessing the channels of distribution with the competitors and the other threat which could be imposed on the company is of taxation that is the product or services could face the imposing of taxation which can make the product costlier. So these were the major threats which could be imposed on the company. (SWOT Analysis, 2010)

So as we have discussed about various aspects related with the entering into the international market and the issues and strategies related with the introduction of the camel milk in the international market. The profile of the company is defined initially so as to develop various strategies related with the international market plan. The camel milk is the new and innovative product as there are not many places in the world where camel can be found except mainly in Asia and Africa. So it would help the company manufacture various kinds of product in order to capture the market related with the camel milk. There are no such kinds of competitors which can be found in the world market in order to provide competition to the company. There are various strategies discussed which could help the company sustain in the market which gives no chance of doing mistakes.

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BP the unethical methods

1) Based on the history of the company, why BP to engage in so much dubious behavior?
The reason why BP got involved in so much dubious conduct is that first they don't want to spend money on fixing stuff. They have ignored all these red flags, and in the end they ended up spending a lot of money. They could of saved a lot of money if they had fixed the problem before the incident occurred.   The reason why they ended up having so much trouble is because they don't take care of their stakeholders. His major concern in those types of businesses should be the safety of its employees. We all know that these sites are not the safest place in the world, which is why BP has to keep its workers in a safe environment.

2) Analyze BP's efforts to improve sustainability. Do you think they are adequate, or the company need to do more?
At first I thought BP's have been sustainable. If you look at their history, they have gone up and down quite often end up which is not a good example of sustainable development. If they didn't have all these problems in the past that we could say that they are durable but with all the events that occurred in the last few years that it will be difficult to defend them on the page. Recently, they have invested much of their investments green wisely to improve its image. They have contributed a lot in the wind turbine, solar system and bio-fuels. Which is really good for the company, stakeholders, and for the world in General. More companies are beginning to go green wise, the less we will destroy our planet.

3) do you think BP code of business conduct and ethics initiatives will prevent future misconduct?
I think BP has tried a lot of things in recent years to show the good example. Maybe they have made a lot of mistakes in the ...

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The Death Penalty

The Death Penalty

There is an age old saying an eye for an eye but in today's society can it be so simple? The death penalty is a very controversial subject, one that would never have the definitive answer. But today I will guide you through the pros and cons of this topic. In this paper I will talk about the legalization of the death penalty, to keep sex offenders, murders of street and with tax payer money for those found guilty of heinous crimes.
The death penalty is considered to be the most controversial issue in a unified State. the death penalty is defined as "the execution of an offender who was sentenced to death after conviction by a Court of a criminal offence", (Federal Judicial Center, 2004).The death penalty may in fact prevent heinous crimes are committed when legal in a State. According to the Statistics Act of this punishment is a great prevention for criminals from committing crimes, will keep criminals from going through with the crime. However, it is more shown that it premeditated crime is usually stopped by general deterrent, not crimes during the passion. Also, many people fear that the death penalty for innocent people will rise. But what happens when the system is making serious errors in workmanship which cannot turn.
Heinous crimes have decreased greatly in the States that have capital punishment laws. Statistical evidence establishes there was execution prevents 74 murder, shifting the burden of persuasion to the death penalty opponents, "according to a new study by Pepperdine University's Roy d. Adler and Michael Summers, the answer is a powerful" Yes. "  The death penalty based on their evidence, and exerts a demonstrable, significant statistical deterrent to the murder rate in America.  Consequently, the burden of persuasion shifts their study dramatically to abolitionists., (, 2007). Indeed, if the killer sentenced to death and executed, possible murderers will consider two times before the murder on his own life.
Today ...

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