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American Literature 1 H
Effects of War on the Individuals
In the novel, One Flew over the Cuckoo’s Nest, written by Ken Kesey, the main characters of the story, as well as their personalities were affected by the war. After going to war and coming out of it, the characters’ changed. It affected their attitudes and how they interacted with one another. Nurse Ratched, who was an army nurse, had a desire for power and wanted complete control over the ward, which caused her to have this constant urge of being confident and controlling of all of the patients. Chief Bromden was in WWII, and had constant fear of everything around him, from his hallucinations that caused his paranoia, to pretending to be “dumb and deaf” to be caged inside the ward. McMurphy was in the Korean War, and was constantly helping and sacrificing himself for the sake of others. He had no ability to see the dangers around him while helping the other patients in the ward. All three characters, Nurse Ratched, Chief Bromden, and McMurphy, were all permanently affected by war, individually, where they dramatically changed, affecting the way they interact in the outside world, as well as inside the ward, because they were all isolation from society.
Chief Bromden was in and was affected by World War II and was sent to the Oregon psychiatric hospital shortly after, and has been there for 10 years. He is now a janitor. Chief was affected by the war because he had a constant fear of isolation, which caused his hallucinations and his paranoia. For 10 years, Chief Bromden pretended to be “deaf & dumb” caging himself away from society. He didn’t want to talk to anyone in the war, causing his lack of society. On page 4, Chief Bromden states,” They don’t bother not talking out loud about their hate secrets when I’m nearby because they think I’m deaf and dumb… I’m cagey enough to fool them that much.” He began to act like this because of his past, pretending that nobody could hear him. Also, on page 179, he... Read Full Essay

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