Theories of Learning

Theories of Learning

Fill in the following boxes by defining Elemental and Holistic Models of Development.   Then you will describe 2 theories, including theorist (s) from each model of development.   Finally you will list the important points derived from each model learning theory.   Save this document and type directly onto the document and into the boxes.   The boxes will expand to accommodate what you write.   Submit as an attachment to the appropriate drop box.

  Model | Definition of each Model Learning Theory | Theory and Theorist 1 | Theory and Theorist 2 | Important Points Derived (Be sure to   number these theories and double space between them for easy reading). |
Elemental Model Learning Theory | “Represents the universe as a machine composed of discrete pieces operating in a spatio-temporal field: reactive and adaptive model of man.”(pg. 22) | Theorist: ThorndikeThe theory is that inexperienced learners are empty organisms who randomly and automatically respond to stimuli. When rewarded a specific stimuli is met with a specific response. (pg. 24) | Theorist: PavlovThe theory is that learning happens through the concept of conditioned reflexes. | Theorist Thorndike: Important point derived from this theory is that human organisms respond to stimuli, randomly or automatic, with or with our reward. Theorist Pavlov: Important point derived from this theory is that to response to conditioned reflexes will fade over time while the response to unconditioned reflex remains over time. |
Holistic Model learning Theories | “Represents the world as a unitary, interactive and developing organism: active and adaptive model of man.” (pg.22) | Theorist: Kurt LewinLewin’s field theory suggests that behavior is a result of both the person and the environment in which behaviors take place. | Theorist: Jean Piaget & Jerome Bruner The theory is human behavior starts with the organization of sensory-motor reactions. (pg.30) | Theorist Lewin: Important point...

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