A dermatologist is a physician trained to treat diseases and conditions of the skin, on any part of the body. Dermatologists can treat anything from a fungus or bacterial infection of the skin, to various types of cancer. Dermatologists remove cancerous or unhealthy lesions from the skin, in a minor outpatient surgical procedure.
In addition to medical treatment of skin conditions, dermatologists may also do aesthetic, elective procedures for patients who wish to improve skin tone and decrease signs of aging. Some of these aesthetic treatments may include laser treatment, botox injections, or collagen injections.
Educational and Training Requirements for Dermatologists:
Because dermatologists are physicians, they must have either an M.D. or a D.O. degree (medical doctorate). They must complete:
* Bachelors degree - 4 years
* Medical degree - 4 years
* Residency Training - 3 years
* Mohs Surgery training (optional) - 1-2 years
Work Environment of a dermatologist.
Dermatologists may work in a group with other dermatologists, or work alone, as a solo practitioner. Additionally, dermatologists may work as part of a group of physicians who practice a variety of specialties. Such medical groups are called multi-specialty medical groups.
What's Not to Like about Working as a Dermatologist:
Because of the desirability of dermatology as a physician career, dermatology is a competitive field and one that can be even more difficult than other physician specialties to enter successfully. Typically the top medical school graduates are the candidates who get accepted into the relatively few dermatology residency spots.
While there is a very high demand for dermatology services in most communities, hospitals are not as eager to sponsor practices for dermatologists, because they don’t admit as many patients into the hospital as physicians in other medical specialties. Read Full Essay
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