Orators, Actors, and Saints



Cunningham, David S.“ Orators, Actors and Saints: Divine Revelation as Rhetoric and Drama.” Anglican Theological Review (Spring 2003): 341-360.

THEO 510 LUO (Summer 2013)

Liberty Baptist Theological Seminary

Lee B Yarbrough (ID# L5943213)

May 26, 2013


Brief Summary………………………………………………..………………………………….2
Critical Interaction………………………………………….………..………………………….3
Selected Bibliography……………………………………….……….………………………….5

The purpose of the paper is to learn how to conduct a review of a peer journal as I pursue my graduate degree.   Contents of this paper include brief summary, critical interaction, conclusion, and selected bibliography.

Brief Summary
Cunningham builds upon Alan Richardson’s insights of divine revelation as delivered in Richardson’s Cadbury lectures in 1961.   Cunningham, using the platform of rhetoric and drama, writes an essay in the format of a V part play with the main theme focusing on divine revelation and how it applies to the contemporary era. The five acts in the essay discuss a wide range of revelation topics from why humans question the concept of divine intervention, to a new movement less reliant on a “traditional” relationship with Christ, to the fact that theology is a theology of the word.   Cunningham hypothesizes that the “modern” problem is not so much the idea of revelation as the problem of revelation. As he continues through the essay he offers suggestions in each category of orator, actor, and saint and how the process of divine revelation applies to each.

Critical Interaction
This essay addresses several aspects of revelation, focusing specifically on the importance of preaching, teaching, writing hymns, and even the creation of literature and art to convey Christian belief and practice.   The topic of divine revelation, arguably one of the central questions...

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