Romantic couples answered questions about how much they loved their partner and also were videotaped while revealing something about themselves to their partner. The videotapes were later rated by trained judges for various signs of affiliation. The table below shows some of the results. Explain to a person who has who has never had a course in statistics the results for self-reported love for the partner and for the number of seconds “leaning toward the partner.”

Women (n = 60) Men ( Men (n = 60)



Emotion reports

Self-reported love

5.02 2.16 5.11 2.08

Partner-estimated love

4.85 2.13 4.58 2.20

Affiliation-cue display

Affirmative head nods

1.28 2.89 1.21 1.91

Duchenne smiles

4.45 5.24 5.78 5.59

Leaning toward partner

32.27 20.36 31.36 21.08


0.13 0.40 0.25 0.77

Note: Emotions are rated on a scale of 0 (none) to 8 (extreme). Cue displays are shown as mean seconds displayed per 60 s.