Miss A I think that online education is a far better option because it allows far more freedom and flexibility. Online courses give the same opportunity to learn as on-campus courses, but they stand at an advantage as they offer more flexibility. One does not have to be in a particular place at a certain time in order to participate. When one opts for an online or “web-based” course, it is as good as enrolling for a regular course, or for a still better one as the exposure to a larger number of resources is ensured. From this starting point, there is a step by step easy process that acquaints one with stages of the course, learning activities, resources, discussions with the teacher and course mates etc. It may not be the same as a regular discussion, as teleconferencing is the medium, but you do get to exchange ideas and opinions. And, although many online courses are “web-based”, many come supplemented by course manuals, video tapes or CDs. It is no different from the regular education and assignments have to be submitted on time but you have the luxury of studying at your pace. Mr B In my opinion, the traditional classroom teaching cannot be replaced as it combines a lot many elements other than the lesson content. The interactions that can ensue in a traditional classroom cannot be replicated in the virtual world. It is this one to one exchange that better aids the learning. A classroom creates a distinct atmosphere where education acquires an air of seriousness and where new thought is stimulated to yield much more mental output than what the lesson aims at. While the traditional way of learning may bind the student by the specifics of time, location and qualification, it is much better in terms of the result it yields. After all, there is no point of education if actual learning is not achieved. And what does one do in cases where hands-on training is required? Medicine and other physical sciences...
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