Many people fear nuclear energy. Some fear that the transport of uranium and other radioactive substances are dangerous, but these hazardous materials are transported in containers which are tested to withstand drop-and-puncture, fire and water-immersion tests. These controls ensure that the radioactive material is secure even if the driver or train got in a hard crash.
Others fear that the technology can get in the wrong hands and letting the enemy countries making atomic bombs and nuclear weapons. All traded uranium sold for Electricity production only. The international safeguards arrangements confirm these trades. The Western countries that sell uranium have not a single customer who does not comply with the requirements of international guarantees set in place.
Some may think that uranium mines contaminate the environment. Any water that is released in the mines are near/close to drinking standards. Tailings retention does not usually cause contamination of the site. Most countries regulate much uranium mining and standards in mines to ensure that no adverse health effects on the miners likely.
A lot more people fear that there will be an accident in a nuclear power plant near them as the one in Chernobyl or Three Mile Iceland. All nuclear power plants in the West has a large containment structures, pressure vessels and internal structures that prevent or ...
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