Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts
Showing posts with label Young. Show all posts

Young offenders Sociology. Az

Young criminals should never be tried as an adult. Young offenders know little about living life and yet some people think that give life imprisonment to a teenager is humane. Options are available and should be carried out before any decision is taken which virtually ends a life before it even flowers. Documentary about "When kids get life," showing some sociological theories which can be linked to a story about a person named Jacob Ind.

In these circumstances, Jacob Ind does not deserve to go to jail for life primarily on the emotional, physical and sexual abuse that occurred in their home. Jacob was alone to combat stress when his older brother Charles left his house at the age of 18. The circumstances surrounding his brother leaves him to fight his own battle of abuse increased his sense of fear and anxiety supports the theory of anomie. "people feel confused and anxious; therefore affect dispositions anomie "(Giddens 172).

Charles was trying to help Jacob at Bay when he tried to warn abuse social services. Social Service worker claimed that he had not remembered the complaint of abuse was made and did not start and investigation. So why was there in the first place?

Defense Attorney Paul Mones says "the problem is that child abuse ... is the perfect crime. It's the perfect crime, because parents who do the seal its own protection, because they know the children's normal, a, is not going to fight back, and (b), usually not [to] report, because as bad as kids get treated by their parents, that parent is still the caregiver; as a parent are still patrons. And it is very difficult for the average man to fight against this person, to rebel against this person. "indicate that it was very difficult for one to break the silence and seek help because of the role played by his mother and stepfather had in their lives as caregivers. Jacob was 15 then and under a tremendous amount of stress, ...

5.1 Explain the Different Types of Bullying and the Potential Effects on Children and Young People.

There are various types of bullying but all of them implicate an imbalance of power between the bully and the victim, which is normally intentional and harmful with a tendency of being repetitive (Olweus, 1993). According to Dodge and Coie (1987) a bully is someone that performs a repetitive proactive aggression action towards someone without being provoked.

The ratio of frequent bullying reported internationally ranges from a low of 1.9% among 1 Irish sample to a high of 19% in a Malta study.
(Nansel, et al., 2001)

Bullying behaviour comes in various forms, it can be direct and evident like hitting and name-calling or more indirect or subtle like spreading rumours and social exclusion.   The following is a list of types of bullying which a child can be subject to:

1. Verbal bullying
2. Physical bullying
3. Emotional bullying
4. Cyber bullying
5. Bias bullying
6. Social Alienation bullying
7. Accidental bulling

Verbal bullying
Such bullying is related to mocking, threating, name-calling, making offensive remarks, or joking about a person on the basis of religion, gender, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, or the way they look. Everyone might believe that physical bullying is the most type of bullying that causes harm to children; however, verbal bullying might be just as harmful.   With verbal bullying the objective of the bully is to degrade and diminish the victim while making himself/herself feel powerful, dominant and in control.  
Normally this type of bullying is hard to identify because the bullies usually refrain from verbally attacking the victim in the presence of an adult (Smokowski & Kopasz, 2005).  

Example of verbal bullying with regards to teasing: a group of children making fun of child A because he could not run as fast as everyone else. Or else with the use of threats: where the bully tells child B to give him his pencil otherwise he will kick him.
Verbal abuse is the most common form of bullying for both sexes (Nansel, et...

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