Drone Strikes

Drone Strikes and the “Real” Death Toll.
The idea of sending a machine in the place of a human, to go into an armed combat situation isn’t a bad one. In fact it is quite ingenious. What if we could strike at the heart of the terrorist groups without having to leave the safety and sanctity of home soil? If we could keep our men and women of the Armed Forces safe but yet still fight the war against terrorism? The idea in its basic form is quite brilliant, however in reality there are some issues that perhaps weren’t expected to arise.  
The main issues this essay will address is firstly the issue of what exactly is a militant as opposed to a civilian and also the issue of the unexpected deaths that have arisen from these Drone strikes. This essay will work at showing the “real” death toll involved in these attacks.

Since early 2004 the Central Intelligence Agency’s Special Activities Division, has been controlling and deploying unmanned aerial vehicles also known as Drones, in order to strike at the Taliban and Al-Qaeda terrorist groups and essentially kill their high level leaders.
These attacks are part of Americas “War on Terror” campaign, and are aimed at targets in the Federally Administered Tribal Areas along the Afghan border in Northwest Pakistan ().
These attacks were originally started under the George W Bush administration and have been continued through to the current Barack Obama administration. The attacks have increased substantially under the Obama presidency and are becoming a “signature aspect of his incredibly aggressive and reckless foreign policy” ().
There is some confusion to the stance that Pakistan’s government has taken in regards to these attacks. The government has publicly condemned them but has apparently secretly shared intelligence with the United States and according to secret diplomatic cables that were leaked by Wikileaks, Pakistan’s Army Chief Ashfaq Parvez Kayani not only agreed to the drone flights but...

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