Naturalism Table

Directions: Complete the “Naturalism” column in the table below by filling in the cells from information provided in the textbook. This does not mean copy and paste from the book but put the information from the text into your own words. Each box should have 2-3 complete sentences.




Prof. ???

Table 1
Assumption | Naturalism |
Reality | It is my understanding that the naturalist perspective on reality is that everything is only matter and things made of matter.   There is no God, morality, souls, or reason to theoretical thought.   Everything is predetermined by our physiology, chemistry and physics. |
Knowledge | According to the naturalist ideals, knowledge is unnecessary because everything we need to know will come from our bodily reactions to stimuli, neurological connections and physical knowledge.   Everything is matter, or composed of matter so no other information is required. |
Human nature | The naturalists believe that human nature is inconsequential in regards to life, as we are only flesh mechanisms. We are only matter that responds to electrical and biological stimuli, and respond to only that.   |
Human problems | According to the naturalist perception, human problems only come from either a flaw in our biological responses or our genes.   Something must be physically defective in some way to be a human problem. |
Solutions to human problems | Neurochemistry is one way a naturalist believes will cure human problems.   Human problems are just genetic flaws that need to be fixed with behavior modification, genetic engineering or drugs.   No need for modern therapy where everything is talked out. |
value | It is my understanding that naturalists believe that the value of humans is nothing else but to pass on genetic material.   We are only matter that responds to biological influence and the need to reproduce. |
Human purpose | Naturalists believe that our purpose is to procreate...

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