
Pablo Picasso

I have even heard of Pablo Picasso boggles many times, so I have thought me to investigate further. I found some fun and interesting paintings, which gave me the inspiration to write about him. I had not known about his career, paintings and works until now. The ways he made his paintings at was amazing. I could not wait to write about him.
I will start by telling you about Picasso's career, and then I will conclude by analyzing Picasso's famous works "Guernica" and "Les Demoiselles d'Avignon".

Who was Pablo
-A natural talent
Pablo Picasso is one of the most famous artists of the 20th century. He created an incredible number of works of art - from paintings and sculptures to ceramics and lithographs. His experiments and his use of different styles led to his name became known all over the world.
Picasso's works are very unique. It is also one of the reasons Picasso was a famous painter in his own life. The paintings from this period were not special popular then as they are now. Abstract art was new at the time, there were few artists who began painting abstract artists like Picasso and Van Gogh. From an early age could Picasso's father, who was art learning, see that his son had a talent for art. Picasso was sent to an art school in Barcelona when he was 14 years old. At an early age he painted a copy of the famous painting "The Last Supper". It was
the painting he signed for the first time with his mother the name "Picasso".

Picasso Periods
The blue period
Picasso had some periods in his life where he painted paintings in a certain form.
For example. Picasso painted from (1901-1904) paintings that were made with the color blue and so was the period called the "blue period". - As an example, the painting "Life".
The style of the paintings were gray and gloomy. The color blue was used extensively, others dark and cold colors were used as auxiliary colors, including black, brown and green.
The paintings from the Blue Period was often...

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