Argumentative Essay

**This section should state the problem, your hypothesis, and ABC thesis statement**


          Smoking in public places has been a problem for many years because it affects non-smokers. Currently, the writer believes that smoking should be banned in restaurants and eateries. The writer will explore the smoking problem by analyzing research in support of smoking in restaurants, against smoking in restaurants, and alternative views.

**This section discusses the reasons why the topic is OK. It must include at least two citations from the article plus your analysis of the citations**

Smoking is OK in Restaurants

          Simmons (2003) argues that allowing customers to smoke brings more business.   Because most people smoke after they eat, restaurants would ultimately lose business if they were completely smoke free.
**This section discusses the reasons why the topic is not OK. It must include at least two citations from the article plus your analysis of the citations**

Smoking is Harmful in Restaurants

          Kellens (2008) argues that a restaurant is not a place that people want to get sick.   Breathing in smoke and toxins are reasons that more people are going through drive-ins and staying out of sit down restaurants.

**This section discusses the alternatives. It must include at least two citations from the article plus your analysis of the citations**

Alternatives for Smoking in Restaurants

Miller (2009) claims that restaurants can make this smoking issue a “win-win situation.”   In other words, continue to separate restaurants will smoking and non-smoking sections or areas.

**This section accepts or rejects the hypothesis and discusses what may need to be considered in the future**


          After analyzing the research, the hypothesis can be accepted that smoking should be banned in all establishments including bars and restaurants. In the future, it will be interesting to discover if smoking...

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