Teaching of English

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* It can be used to teach   prose, poetry, ec
* It is based on scientific principles
* Both the teacher and the student are active
* At every stage the objectives of teaching and learning are clearly defined and are attainable, resulting in a sense of mastery and confidence
It is suitable only for the lower classes
* Only well – selected sentence patterns can be taught
* Prescribed text books cannot be taught
* Too much stress is placed on mechanical drilling
* Is unsuitable for overcrowded classes
* More teaching aids are needed
* It is difficult to complete the syllabus if the structure syllabus is followed stricrtly
* It negles reading   of all types and vocabulary   expansion
* It overemphasises oral presentation, teaching of structural items, monolingual presentation, rigid sequencing   of structure resulting in the production of uninteresting   reading   materials
Situtational Approach
In this approach English is taught in the same way in which the child learns his mother tongue. The main features of learning the mother tongue are:
1) Every item of the mother tongue i.e. learnt in a real situation
2) Whatever the child understands and expresses is connected with his own life
3) The situation in which the child learns his mother tongue are repeated again and again
Procedure for Teaching by the   Situational Approach:
1. The nes word is introduced incidentlly in the class by the teacher by making use of objects available in the classroom.   For example. This is a blackboard.

  2. The teacher offers the students many opportunities for associating the words with the corresponding situations.   Affirmative, negative and interrogative forms of speech are presented by asking the following questions:
What is this?   (Interrogative)
Is this a table? (Affirmative)
Are you pointing to the blackboard?   (Negative)

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